photo by Emil Costrut
I don’t think the Internet is for everyone. Or that it should be used by people to spread negative vibes. I’m not feeling the democracy regarding this aspect, people, I’m sorry.
Therefore, I’m starting this weekly column in which I’ll share with you what I consider inspiring, motivational or just plain fun and positive on the internet. Because this is what this great innovation should be all about, leading us towards knowledge and progress in a positive manner.
Trolls, bullies, haters, people who use the Internet for spreading their frustrations and venom, be prepared, I’m going to run this country one day and I’m going to burn you all at the stake. #haha #notkiddingthough
Internet’s Inspiring Insides
a manifesto for sharing constructive, motivational, positive or simply fun things from the internet
Week 1
Tare initiativa 😀
Am auzit de 3 dintre recomandarile lui Gates, chiar sunt foarte tari cartile
Am citit zilele trecute articolul despre studiul Harvard, loved it!
Oh my god cum arata Ritz-ul renovat <3333
Iti ador atitudinea, chiar aveam nevoie de niste lucruri frumoase de citit/vazut azi 🙂 You’re the best!
Good vibes only <3