How To Build A More Powerful Personal Brand in 2015 – part 1

Living ArtLooks
27 December 2014 / By / 54 Comments


Arad sends its regards. I am still here and I never thought I would say this but it feels peaceful. Yes, I`ve come to be thankful for peace and quiet, who would have thought?

Moreover, I`ve discovered a very talented photographer and I`m pretty anxious for our future shootings together. Especially because Cosmin and I share the same aesthetics – dark, iconoclast, gothic like.

Here`s us, Tavi* and me, in Cosmin`s studio, doing what we know best – one being extremely affected and theatrical and the other impersonating and making fun of the latter.

AnaMorodan.comI am wearing a Zee Lane dress – available at Fashion Days, an OI Concept (Franklin, 9 street) necklace and a Arina Varga headband

Photos by Cosmin Micoara



Now, getting back to the matter at hand, I must confess, with all this New Year frenzy I`ve discovered some Must Have Fashion Days dresses. And while scrolling the biggest online shopping destination – which by the way has some up to 90% sales, I started thinking about:



How To build a more powerful Personal Brand and leverage what other people think about you in the New Year.

And all with the help of a Dress



  • The first essential step is to like yourself – or at least to like parts of your physical appearance and of course, your personality – and that my darlings, if you`re somehow stuck at this point, can be easily pulled off with the help of a perfect item and in my case, a dress.


How come?

Simple, you buy something which suits your body type and style personality, wear it, look in the mirror and say `Damn, not bad, not bad at all` – and voila, confidence booster mode – activated


  • Decide and lay out your core values – how would you like potential customers and clients to think of you? Because your personal brand is built from the thoughts and words and reactions of other people, it’s shaped by how you present yourself publicly.


This is something that you have control over. You can decide how you would like people to see you and then work on publicly being that image.


  • Market your personality – personal branding is basically selling someone your personality. You need to think hard about HOW you act. You should have a clearly identifiable personality so that people can easily feel like they know you personally, even if they’ve never met you. Your style of delivery should be as unique as any other aspect of your personal brand. This doesn’t mean you need to sit down and brainstorm about how to be different. If you don’t actively imitate anyone else, it will happen naturally.


  • Be purposeful in what you shareEvery tweet you send, every status update you make, every picture you share, contributes to your personal brand. It is an amalgamation of multiple daily actions. Once you understand how you wish your brand to be perceived, you can start to be much more strategic about your personal brand.


If you are an online personal brander don`t post pictures for likes and followers, it was never about their number anyway, it`s always about the quality of the people who follow you – deliver content which will help you shape your personal brand.


And most of all:


  • Don`t focus your attention on what other people will say about youbeing powerfully marketed may bring you negative feedback also. Be prepared for that. Also, be aware that you can`t be liked by everyone. Success brings envy. Just breathe deeply, stay confident into your life direction and never mind the negative people. And always look at the one who criticizes you. Most of the time they are people who are envious, weak and unsuccessful.



This was part 1. I have to leave you now, you must understand me, I`m still a fashionista and my last minute shopping for this year might prove to be pretty helpful in my powerful 2015.

Thank you Fashion Days for a beautiful Zee Lane dress. I`m going to spend NYE in it.

To be Continued.



cosmin micoara






 * Tavi and I are long time friends along with Mittens and the rest of the gang. Thank you Octavian for fighting your hungover and smiling pretty. I would like to tell my virtual lady friends some things about you, just so that they will be prepared just in case you`ll meet but it`s Christmas time so I`ll play nice. #grin



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  1. Kira says:

    you look absolutely amazing

  2. alexandra radulescu says:

    rochia e superba. Si fotografia alb negru imi place la nebunie

  3. Danciulescu Anamaria says:

    90%?????? Mosul mai vine o data in cazul asta :))

  4. sunnygirl says:

    amazing outfit, happy new year darling

  5. sorina says:

    wow, ce de sfaturi. cred ca se aplica in general, nu doar la cei care vor sa faca o cariera online

  6. funky says:

    the one who criticizes the most is always weak and frustrated 😉

  7. Paula Matei says:

    multumesc pentru sfaturi

  8. AVA says:

    great advice, thanks a lot

  9. mariana andrei says:

    minunata rochia si accesoriile perfecte, ca de obicei

  10. diana says:

    Vai Ana, dar ce surpriza post Craciun :)) acum intru pe fashiondays, hihi

  11. Soos Cristina says:

    Ohh woow you look amazing ❤
    Can’t wait for part 2 …
    love !

  12. Adriana says:

    fashion days is awesome and so are you ❤️

  13. anca mateescu says:

    Intru chiar acum, poate gasesc o tinuta superba pentru revelion

  14. Mara says:

    Great headband

  15. crina says:

    rochiile sunt minunate. Mersi pentru pont 😉

  16. olive p says:

    Love the necklace, so versatile

  17. florenta dinu says:

    ce sfaturi bune, mersi! Chiar ma gandeam sa-mi fac un blog 🙂

  18. Clara says:

    demult nu am mai avut senzatia asta cand m-am uitat la mine in oglinda 🙁

  19. joanna says:

    Wow, asta da rochie de NYE!!!

  20. amira says:

    I am definetly buying this dress’

  21. Miruna says:

    Multumesc pentru sfaturi, voi incerca sa le
    aplic in 2015:)

    Un an nou frumos!

  22. gratiela neascu says:

    reducerile astea la fashiondays au venit la tanc, am o gramada de evenimente anul viitor 🙂

  23. ioana popa says:

    To an unforgettable 2015, dear Ana!

  24. Anda Ioan says:

    well, aparently Santa didn’t show up pentru ca ma astepta sa ne intalnim pe fashiondays :)) si cat de generos a fost 😉

  25. nadia says:

    ❤️ the photo session

  26. LILIANA MICLOS says:

    ai dreptate, rochia perfecta te poate ajuta in so may ways 🙂

    Happy New Year, draga mea!

  27. Contessinna says:

    love the photos with your guest star :)) one can see you are true friends

  28. nastase bianca says:

    nu stiu ce sa aleg mai intai de pe fashiondays, cred ca am spre 30 de produse in cos :)))

    multumesc frumos de anunt! te pup!

  29. Natalia says:

    colierul e minunat <3 <3 <3

  30. Mirabela Penes says:

    fotografia alb negru e spectaculoasa, parca ai fi dintr-o alta epoca

  31. Ioana Popa says:

    ce de comori pe fashiondays, nu stiu la care sa ma opresc. deja ma gandesc la garderoba de vara 🙂

  32. danna says:

    Cosmin is really talented, I love his work

  33. Black Swan says:

    the color of the dress is so royal

  34. greta says:

    am gasit geaca perfecta pe fashiondays, yeeey

  35. Chiriac Irina says:

    astea sunt sfaturi de printat si de pus pe moodboard

  36. mira says:

    a new series of advice I will be watching closely

  37. Cristina Pricop says:

    un an nou minunat in aceasta rochie superba

  38. Poison Yvy says:

    An outfit for a true modern countess

  39. Irena Tomescu says:

    Se spune ca asa cum intri in noul an o sa-ti fie tot anul. Al meu o sa fie facand shopping la reduceri de pe fashiondays :))

    Not bad, not bad at all 😉

  40. Gena says:

    oh, how I love the people who never stop criticizing other…

  41. larisa says:

    construirea unui brand personal puternic e foarte importanta iar sfaturile tale extrem de folositoare

  42. Florea Daniela says:

    foarte frumoase pozele 🙂

  43. miha costas says:

    minunata tinuta ta. atat de simpla si totusi wow.

    un an nou minunat, draga ana!

  44. Irene says:

    I just found the most awesome Moschino bag on fashiondays at a super priceeeeee!!!! thanks for the tip 😉

  45. Elena Ilie says:

    excelente sfaturile. esti un om deosebit

  46. amalia says:

    so this is how childhood friends look like after many years 🙂 really warm and nice last photo

  47. Bogdana Stan says:

    chiar ma intrebam cand o sa vad un photo session by Cosmin 🙂 very nice

  48. Carmen Duna says:

    daca macar jumatate dintre persoanele publice ar aplica sfaturile de mai sus, am avea un peisaj mult mai curat 😉

  49. bianca says:

    e clar, rochiile lungi te prind cel mai bine. sunt o externsie a personalitatii tale 🙂

    un an nou minunat!

  50. Andra Leonte says:

    pentru mine tinuta perfecta de revelion e cam in fiecare saptamana pe blogul tau :)) petrecere frumoasa, draga mea! abia astept sa vad cu ce na mai surprinzi anul urmator 😉

  51. Karina says:

    Interesting headpiece

  52. Monica says:

    Ador fotografiile alb negru iar asta e cu adevarat speciala. Foarte frumos, bravo

  53. Zvetlana says:

    Ana draga, pe cand un post despre cum ai slabit? Ma intriga mai ales faptul ca sanii ti-au ramas la fel (cel putin asa par)! Cum ai reusit? Esti superba!!!

    • Ana Morodan says:

      Da, au ramas la fel :)) Nici nu stiu daca sa plang sau sa rad 🙂

      Sa stii ca nu e mare secret – pur si simplu n-am mai mancat, serios. Am incercat sa tin multe diete dar n-am reusit si one day m-am oprit din mancat porcarii. Acum merg la un anturopat si imi fac dietaa personalizata. Revin pe acest subtiect 🙂

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