How Rediscovering Nature Transformed My Lifestyle

LooksLiving Art
28 July 2016 / By / 19 Comments

Maybe this is my transformation journey or maybe I’m just like many of you: a burnout in search of some relaxation techniques…I may have mentioned this topic a few times this year and I may mention it very often from now on too, because nature is becoming a major part of my life and its been proven that it plays an important role in my professional efficiency. 




And when I think about my last mountain trip (which included sleeping in a tent) and realize it happened  more than 10 years ago…I was convinced that I’m totally a city person, a lover of organized vegetation, from parks to private gardens. God, I can still taste the feeling I had back then, my feet hurting so badly from walking in the forest for miles, sleeping in a tent…the whole night I imagined sleeping besides snakes and lizards, in was not my thing at all.




It all began this Spring, when I was diagnosed with exhaustion and minor anxiety attacks.

Fuck, I’m only 31 years old, fuck, fuck, fuck…I have to do something, I have to do something. Panicked, thoughts were running wildly through my mind.


It took me half-a-day of crying, a bottle of gin tonic, a discussion with Mittens and a meeting with Zagorca (our guru psychologist) to realize that I knew the theory, but this time I truly sucked at implementing it. All that yoga, healthy eating, meditation, sport, massage, nature, they were just a list in my notebook. A list which got rewritten every year, in a different notebook and that was about it. I was thriving in my business life, but I was failing at keeping a healthy and balanced mind. I was becoming a workaholic with health problems, which pilled, one by one, at the speed of light. 




And then, I paused, for no more than 2 minutes and listened to it. I listened to my Instinct. Some call it protective angel or intuition. Fact is that I always had an inner voice which, in my darkest moments, told me so powerfully and clearly what to do. So I listened to my Instinct. Something had to be done.



Ana-Morodan-Andra-Andreescu-5 (2)


Modern society doesn’t exactly make it easy to live a natural lifestyle. In fact, we have so many great conveniences at our disposal that some people consider it downright silly to reject them.


I began spending at least one day per week in nature and once every two days, I took a walk in the woods near the city. I downloaded mindfulness apps, tested around 6 and stopped at Headspace  (POP inima-albastru), I’ve read countless articles about sleep and yoga and why eating clean is key and little by little, I began implementing these aspects into my lifestyle, at my own pace. 


Ana-Morodan-Andra-Andreescu-7Andra Andreescu dress – Smiling Shoes ballerinas – Prada sunglasses – PNK Casual tassel 

Photos by Emil Costrut



There’s much to be said about what happened from March until today, what kind of challenges I faced during this transformation process and most importantly, what revelations transformed my mind and my lifestyle, but I’m going to start with the most harmonious of them: Nature.


Here’s what happened to my mind and body, after these often nature trips or walks (doctor confirmed), which I took as often as I could:

  • Restored mental energy

  • Stress relief

  • Reduced inflammation

  • Focused attention

  • Sharper thinking and creativity

  • Immune system boost

    • Oxygen intake for cardiovascular health


And the most important thing that I realized, is that spending time in nature reduces my anger, fears and stress and refreshes my mind instantly. 


Living naturally is a PROCESS, not an event and I’m still discovering the details, but what I know for sure and dare to recommend this new way of life. Proves to be very efficient for my state of well-being. Goodbye heart palpitations. 


be-splendid-semnatura 1

Click, Click, Click for More Adventures

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  1. Ilinca Beach says:

    Everything you aid so absolutely TRUE

  2. Carmen V says:

    Thank you for opening up! I feel your words! <3

  3. Pink Queen says:

    The dress is BLISS. Si da, ai dreptate!

  4. Elizabeth Grey says:

    ThiS outfit is the pure state of GLAMOUR <3 <3 <3

  5. Cristina S says:

    Beautiful picture and so true words

  6. P.s. Alina says:

    Am trecut si eu prin asta. Cel mai mult m-a ajutat mancarea sanatoasa. Aspectul asta l-am rezolvat si cel mai greu.

  7. Carmen says:

    Thank you for opening up! I feel your words! <3

  8. Ioana Marinica says:

    Cata dreptate ai Ana, m-au ajutat cuvintele tale a stii 🙂

  9. Clara P. says:

    Detaliul de pe maneci e de vis <33

  10. MoroFan says:

    I’m so glad you’ve found a way to relax and feel better. Whenever things seem to be getting too much to handle, remember that we’re here, cheering for you!

  11. Lemon says:

    Multi oameni ignora si neglijeaza natura, iar ea are asa un efect pozitiv asupra noastra, pacat ca putini il apreciaza 🙁 Ma bucura foarte mult ca vorbesti tot mai des despre asta.

  12. Minnie says:

    love this dress so much!!!!

  13. Noemi Balas says:

    Si eu trec printr-o perioada oribila si ma simt la capatul puterilor, am sa iti urmez sfatul 🙂

  14. anamaria claudia says:

    you’re amazing <33333

  15. Laura Pintea says:

    This post is awesome! Si vizual, si mesajul 😀

  16. rodica says:

    penultima poza… absolut grandios

  17. byby says:

    <3 your dress

  18. Adina says:

    Nici eu nu sunt fana a mersului cu cortul, dar imi plac mult plimbarile in natura, sunt foarte linistitoare 🙂

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