Maybe this is my transformation journey or maybe I’m just like many of you: a burnout in search of some relaxation techniques…I may have mentioned this topic a few times this year and I may mention it very often from now on too, because nature is becoming a major part of my life and its been proven that it plays an important role in my professional efficiency.
And when I think about my last mountain trip (which included sleeping in a tent) and realize it happened more than 10 years ago…I was convinced that I’m totally a city person, a lover of organized vegetation, from parks to private gardens. God, I can still taste the feeling I had back then, my feet hurting so badly from walking in the forest for miles, sleeping in a tent…the whole night I imagined sleeping besides snakes and lizards, in was not my thing at all.
It all began this Spring, when I was diagnosed with exhaustion and minor anxiety attacks.
Fuck, I’m only 31 years old, fuck, fuck, fuck…I have to do something, I have to do something. Panicked, thoughts were running wildly through my mind.
It took me half-a-day of crying, a bottle of gin tonic, a discussion with Mittens and a meeting with Zagorca (our guru psychologist) to realize that I knew the theory, but this time I truly sucked at implementing it. All that yoga, healthy eating, meditation, sport, massage, nature, they were just a list in my notebook. A list which got rewritten every year, in a different notebook and that was about it. I was thriving in my business life, but I was failing at keeping a healthy and balanced mind. I was becoming a workaholic with health problems, which pilled, one by one, at the speed of light.
And then, I paused, for no more than 2 minutes and listened to it. I listened to my Instinct. Some call it protective angel or intuition. Fact is that I always had an inner voice which, in my darkest moments, told me so powerfully and clearly what to do. So I listened to my Instinct. Something had to be done.
Modern society doesn’t exactly make it easy to live a natural lifestyle. In fact, we have so many great conveniences at our disposal that some people consider it downright silly to reject them.
I began spending at least one day per week in nature and once every two days, I took a walk in the woods near the city. I downloaded mindfulness apps, tested around 6 and stopped at Headspace (POP ), I’ve read countless articles about sleep and yoga and why eating clean is key and little by little, I began implementing these aspects into my lifestyle, at my own pace.
Andra Andreescu dress – Smiling Shoes ballerinas – Prada sunglasses – PNK Casual tassel
Photos by Emil Costrut
There’s much to be said about what happened from March until today, what kind of challenges I faced during this transformation process and most importantly, what revelations transformed my mind and my lifestyle, but I’m going to start with the most harmonious of them: Nature.
Here’s what happened to my mind and body, after these often nature trips or walks (doctor confirmed), which I took as often as I could:
Restored mental energy
Stress relief
Reduced inflammation
Focused attention
Sharper thinking and creativity
Immune system boost
• Oxygen intake for cardiovascular health
And the most important thing that I realized, is that spending time in nature reduces my anger, fears and stress and refreshes my mind instantly.
Living naturally is a PROCESS, not an event and I’m still discovering the details, but what I know for sure and dare to recommend this new way of life. Proves to be very efficient for my state of well-being. Goodbye heart palpitations.
Everything you aid so absolutely TRUE
Thank you for opening up! I feel your words! <3
The dress is BLISS. Si da, ai dreptate!
ThiS outfit is the pure state of GLAMOUR <3 <3 <3
Beautiful picture and so true words
Am trecut si eu prin asta. Cel mai mult m-a ajutat mancarea sanatoasa. Aspectul asta l-am rezolvat si cel mai greu.
Thank you for opening up! I feel your words! <3
Cata dreptate ai Ana, m-au ajutat cuvintele tale a stii 🙂
Amazing photos!
Detaliul de pe maneci e de vis <33
I’m so glad you’ve found a way to relax and feel better. Whenever things seem to be getting too much to handle, remember that we’re here, cheering for you!
Multi oameni ignora si neglijeaza natura, iar ea are asa un efect pozitiv asupra noastra, pacat ca putini il apreciaza 🙁 Ma bucura foarte mult ca vorbesti tot mai des despre asta.
love this dress so much!!!!
Si eu trec printr-o perioada oribila si ma simt la capatul puterilor, am sa iti urmez sfatul 🙂
you’re amazing <33333
This post is awesome! Si vizual, si mesajul 😀
penultima poza… absolut grandios
<3 your dress
Nici eu nu sunt fana a mersului cu cortul, dar imi plac mult plimbarile in natura, sunt foarte linistitoare 🙂