Here’s how the story went. I was babbling at the beginning of this year that some people I follow on social media have some uber cool pictures. And I was talking with Costrut trying to discover with what those pictures were taken. With a phone? Which one? With a camera? Which one? Clossy Mossy was insisting (see? I live in his totalitarian regime, I’ve told you) that it’s a DSLR and that I need a DSLR. A camera which had WiFi so I could share my pics on social media on the spot and directly from the device (hello phone battery saving). A DSLR because we needed the quality – #duhhh this was the discussion at hand – something also fashionable because guess what? They say I’m a fashionista.
Well, all set and done but I was not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES going to carry a huge, 3 kilo DSLR everywhere with me.
I have to carry tons of other stuff anyways (make-up, poisons, dresses, heels, laptop, etc, etc, etccc.) so NO! Better stay with the phone pics and that’s it!
But my child loves me. Costrifer that is. One day he came victoriously with a suggestion. The new Canon EOSM10 Mirrorless.
“It has WiFi so you can post directly from the camera on social media or send the pics on your phone or laptop! It’s a compacted DSLR so you don’t need to learn all the settings, just keep it on AV mode and you’re all set! It has tons of pouches so you can match it with your daily outfits! It’s TINY so you don’t have to carry a caramida dupa tine! It’s PERFECT!!! Buy it!!! Buy it NOW!!!”
Fandacsia hat – Zara hels & pants – Lou Lou blouse
Photos by Costrut with Canon EOSM10
A tiny DSLR?!? Well, well, well, I have lived to see this!
So I bought the little Canon! And after 20 minutes of training with Costri I was even able to use it. I have to press two buttons: On and Wireless.
I’ve been using it since April but I never found the right metaphor for it until today. Using this tiny Canon DSLR makes me feel free. I’m not carrying a caramida (as said) with me but I’m creating outstanding content for my platforms. It’s just like riding a horse. It gives me that cool vibe of freedom while I’m also working on my abs and thighs!
Camasa ta ma duce cu gandul la o dansatoare flamenco ??
Calul alb e superb, mereu am visat la unul!
You are lovely, as always. Especially beautiful photos, those horses are sublime
Si mie mi-ar placea sa am poze mai bine, dar nu ma vad carand caramizi in geanta :)) O sa incerc si eu acest Canon 😀
Ador tinuta asta, e super diferita dar te prinde extraordinar!! <3
Horses are the most majestic creatures, I swear. Gorgeous photoshoot, this camera works wonders
Ador palaria, ma duce cu gandul la Toscana… 🙂
Si zici ca te descurci cu aparatul asta si daca esti complet atehnica? Si eu ma gandeam sa imi iau ceva mai performant, dar mi-e frica ca nu o sa ma descurc vreodata cu setarile…
wow, these photos are so so so beautiful!
Giiiiirl, you look amazing ???
Daca Costrut recomanda, avem incredere, la ce poze divine iti face!
Ce simpatic e poneiul :)) love this post
camasa e visa, la fel ca tine, de altfel ❤️
Eu sunt cu caramida dupa mine si I feel you. Chiar mi-ar prinde bine ceva mai usurel.
Ce poze frumoase ? chiar ca face treaba buna aparatul asta
Amazing as always! x
You are stunning, once again!
De unde sunt ochelarii de soare? 😀 Multumesc!
Sunt Kuboraum de la SunglassCurator 🙂