The operative word being WE. Us. Women.
Lo Spaccio overall – Fandacsia hat – SunglassCurator sunglasses – IQOS heels
Photos by Costrut
My favourite part about the internet and the modern world is the fact that it liberated our access to information and… people. Anybody can start a blog, a site, a platform, anything. Then, naturally, like-minded individuals stumble upon what you build and stick around (or throw shit at you, but hey, the internet comes with a block button as well). Those people who stick around become your community. The years pass, the community grows and something that, to me at least, feels magical happens: you sometimes start feeling as if you are one.
So, how do I move forward? With my head held high, surrounded by smart, powerful and passionate women.
This article was inspired by IQOS. A gadget for 18+ smokers I have been using for several months already.
#IQOSonheels #PuneToculpeI
Salopeta porto e superba si ador cum ti-ai legat palaria.
Excellent article, love love love it!
Ador tinuta, iar de text nu mai vorbesc
Cat de frumoase sunt sandalele, imi place mult broderia de pe toc ❤️
Excelent spus!!! ??????
I love you. Esti cea mai tare! Ultima propozitie m-a lasat cu piele de gaina
We’ll always be here, because you are amazing <3
Te apreciez enorm de mult, mai ales pentru ca deseori iti exprimi recunostinta fata de comunitatea ta. Altele uita de unde au pornit si se comporta de parca nu oamenii care le citesc le-au adus in pozitia in care sunt…
Lovely outfit ?
You said it girl, you said it well!
we love you <3
Love your hat <3
Excellent article..