Living Art
20 March 2012 / By / 5 Comments

A few weeks ago Laura whatsuped me (yep, no phones, no facebook, no mails anymore) with a cool proposition. She asked me to be the first one from a bunch of creative people who will design a piece of furniture for her Our Design personalized furniture label.

After a few brainstorming meetings and lots of rescheduling (at one point I sincerely believed that she will murder me) we picked a stool and decorated it with a few “words of wisdom” and social sayings that nowadays can be read everywhere.

Below you can see a few takes from the making of process.

Here are a few things to know about Our Design:


“Triggered by a young spirit, Our Design is a Romanian furniture producer with a fresh business receipt: Besides from producing our own furniture design, we aim to sign as many collaborations with Romanian fashion and lifestyle personalities and create unique furniture pieces. In this way, our product portfolio will contain objects with more personality that meet a wide variety of style and design requirements.
We create and produce armchairs, dinning chairs, sofas, stools, small furniture and not only, as we are always searching for new products to meet our clients desires.”

This collaborations was an honor for me because Laura is such an amazing, inspiring young lady who had the patience and the strong nerves to put up with my grumpy attitude and my constant rescheduling (yes, I know, I’ve mentioned this before). Also, Nur, thank you for allowing us to destroy your home.

As such, you can buy or order The Socially Connected Stool at laura@ourdesign.ro.

Also, don’t forget to LIKE Our Design’s Facebook Page so that you can stay connected with all the new stuff they are going to create.


Click, Click, Click for More Adventures

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  1. stilistele says:

    I thought it was a tractor wheel at first; it looks awesome, girl

  2. sophie says:

    lovely pics!
    you look amazing!

  3. Andreea says:

    I love the idea!
    Amazing photos! <3

  4. Emanuel I. says:

    Imi place mult acel taburet/masa…
    Sigur nu se ia culoarea?

  5. Roxana says:

    De ce oare nu merge sa ma abonez la site prin Google Reader?

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