Living Art
12 February 2014 / By / 29 Comments




Yes, these days everybody is talking about the winter Olympics games. Sochi is the hottest of all things to discuss right now. Many subjects about a few perspectives. However, everybody’s focus should be on the exceptional athletes that are there.

It made me think about fair play, about the urge to perform like a Superman, with super powers, about discipline, courage. They are a different kind of heroes and I for one, being all sedentary now, feel inspired.

Why do I feel inspired? Well, because sports have to be an important part of our life and health, because determination, strength and hard work should inspire every one of us. It should inspire us to take a step closer to achieving our goals, our dreams. It should inspire us to be better persons, to live a fulfilling life.

Now that I think about it, the only real competition in this life is with ourselves and I plan to win mine. And you should also, or else you”ll make me sad (#smile).

I want to salute Groupama for being the official sponsor of the Romanian team at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games. I am glad that this brand decided to support such a motivating action.

And here’s another aspect that I love about them – they thought of all of you, my readers, also. And this time I teamed up on a one of a kind virtual ride. I will race with Cristian China – Birta and Radu Dumitru in a virtual bobsleigh competition! Now, that’s a first for a fashionista countess.





Creative these Groupama guys, right?

Now, we will race and you can vote which one of us you want to win and the ones who win are actually you guys!

Yep, you can win a 250 Euro voucher to purchase sports gear. Now you won’t have the “I don’t have a cool sport equipment to wear at the gym” excuse and you’ll just have to go! Sic! (#smile)


All you have to do is:


1. enter the application and vote which one of us three you would like to win. You can only vote for one blogger. I am a girl, be supportive people, be supportiveeee.

2. then leave a comment under this post telling me what the olympic spirit means for you. If I win then I will be the one who will pick the winner based on your comments so be inspiring people.


Told you that these Groupama guys are awesome, no?

Good luck people!


Dear Romanian athletes,  here are our encouraging messages for you! Good luckkkk











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  1. isabelle says:

    nice contest! let’s see…for me it means exactly what you said, winning the competition with one’s self, adn might i add, living in the present. there is no other way to win something if your mind and focus are not there!

  2. Fete Fine says:

    performance is the best in life, and this is the olympic spirit for me

  3. Gina says:

    este…este…stai sa gandesc…este frumusetea competitiei si satisfactia ca mintea si spiritul tau au fost intr-un singur loc, concentrarea! un exemplu pentru viata de zi cu zi, clar

  4. fiona hey says:

    harmony, of the body, mind and soul!

  5. Teodora Ion says:

    spiritul olimpic este unul dintre lucrurile alea motivationale care ne amintesc cat de mult putem sa facem, si mai ales cat de importanta este actiunea, miscarea

  6. Delia Carina Ion says:

    minunat! ma bucur Ana ca ii sustii, si eu sunt alaturi de ei cu sufletul!

  7. Vivienne Lawson says:

    wow what exthusiasm 🙂 nice dear! for me it is a chance to remeber childhood and to also remeber to be focused and enjoy life more, no matter what! WORD!

  8. samantha says:

    yep. let’s focus on the positive, and make the best of it. and if i think about it, this is just what a winner does, no? this is the olimpic spirit this year!


    oh my, i do want i new gym suit, so here goes: the will to win and to shine!

  10. pop ileana says:

    love your excitement <3

  11. zizi girl says:

    ce dragut concurs, mi s-a umplut inima de drag pentru echipa Romaniei <3

  12. Stylish One says:

    well, the olimpic spirit is the love for fairplay for me

  13. Ofelia Danea says:

    cool application..hmmm…i must think about it, will be back with a wise answer #ionlyhope

  14. teodora says:

    extraordinar, sublim, sincer, forta, toate lucrurile astea sunt spiritul olimpic <3

  15. Eugene Marie says:

    well said dear Ana, i am in love with your positive view on all things, makes my day

  16. wanda says:

    in viziunea mea, spirirtul olimpic e cam asa: anticipare, concentrare, actiune, individualitate. pick me pick meeeeee :))))))

  17. wanda says:

    in viziunea mea, spiritul olimpic e cam asa: anticipare, concentrare, actiune, individualitate. pick me pick meeeeee 🙂 )))))

  18. Paula says:

    Pentru mine spiritul olimpic inseamna sa lucrezi din greu pentru perfectiune. Inseamna sa tragi din greu 4 ani de zile pentru cateva zile in care dai tot ce poti. Inseamna rabdare, speranta si munca pana peste cap. Dar inseamna si oameni care te sustin, care se bucura pentru tine si sunt mandri de ce ai realizat.
    Si eu incerc sa aplic toate astea in fiecare zi din viata mea: sa muncesc din greu, chiar daca nu vad imediat rezultatele, sa tind spre perfectiune in tot ce fac si sa ma bucur de rezultate alaturi de familia si prietenii mei.

  19. aura says:

    O intruchipare a spiritului Greciei antice, cea cu eroi, teatre si tragedii. Simbolistica initiala a flacarii, cea de viata si moarte, ma cheama la ”Carpe diem!” Intr-o rochie de inspiratie greceasca, alba cu detalii aurii.

  20. iulian says:

    Va invit sa vedeti o colectie de foto.

  21. Daniela says:

    Olimpic sports is the moment when all your hard work over the years is valued, is the moment when you show the world that Romania has great people who can win! Is the moment when you become an icon, when all your friends and locals watch you and wish you the best, is the moment when you make your folks very proud. Is the moment we all wish to have!

  22. Little Luna says:

    great attitude ana! we must support our athletes!

  23. shorty says:

    it’s about beating the odds, pushing your boundaries, and patience. things that don’t cost money but that can change our lives into what we want

  24. ir ina says:


  25. Prima Raluca Popescu says:

    munca, multa munca si pasiune, sprijin din partea celorlati, iubire!

  26. Stil Si Curaj says:

    pentru mine spiritul olimpic inseamna renuntarea la toate.limitele si fricile, determinarea si concentrarea, e mi-nu-nat

  27. Danna Fota says:

    foarte misto aplicatia, o initiativa constructiva pe care o sustin 🙂 am dat mai departe 🙂

  28. Lane's Closet says:

    cool spirit! go romania iuhuuuu!

  29. VIVI says:

    dear ana, you are amazing, even more amazing for doing this <3 i think feeling supported by your co-nationals is a must as an athlete, so great!!!! this is love!

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