Beauty Culture
24 October 2018 / By / 13 Comments

Ladies and some gentlemen I have the pleasure to announce that FOREO introduces new types of masks for their UFO beauty gadget. By the way, UFO and UFO mini are smart devices, that provide a spa level treatment for your skin in just 90 seconds. You can enjoy all the benefits of termo and cryotherapy combined with LED lights for a radiant and fresh looking skin at your home. It is the new way to mask and I simply love it. Until now I have tried the Day and Night masks but check out the new ones available. Let’s see!


The new advanced masks are designed for special needs of your skin. So depending on the problem of your skin you can choose the mask you desire. Also they are formulated in Korea and yaaas we love Korean beauty. Even more they are formulated with plat and fruits extracts combining different ingredients for specific needs.


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One of them is called the Glow Addict and can actually make your face glow because it is formulated with pearl infusion and vitamin E. I feel an illumination effect in my skin and it gives me that “I can conquer the world” look.

The Shimmer Freak mask is designed for the area around the eyes and has the effect of a highlight lift and gives a shine effect. It is rich in caffeine and and simply boosts the area around your eyes. Girls, we don’t want those dark circles around our eyes, don’t we? 

And for a super-fast hydration of the skin, the H2O Overdose is the super-rich hydrating mask formulated with hyaluronic acid that locks that hydration in your skin for a longer time. We don’t want to look like a dry apricot, so this is my favourite because it simply nourishes my face and re-establishes the balance of my skin hydration back after all the make-up and pollution on my face.


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Did I tell you that one of my motto’s is: You have to look good no matter how tired or upset you are. When you are down, you lift yourself up by taking care of yourself and your body. And this is what the new FOREO masks are doing, they are basically covering and, more important, solving the problems you don’t want people to notice on your face. Not because you have something to hide but because a woman without a bit of mystery is like an Instagram feed without at least one Kira-Kira content #hahah. Simple as that.

I am pretty sure that you all know that some days are rough and some are kind. I mean one day you may wake up looking like Charlize Theron and another day looking like Trump. The same thing happens to our faces so, without complaining and useless words, we need to take care of it.  I told you before, I love all the FOREO UFO masks. You have seen me using the Daytime mask and the Nightime mask with my UFO the last months, but now we have these three more which can make your face much more prepared to just look at its best!  I tried each one of them on long term and I am spoilt by the effect they have on my skin. My face is defo facing a batter future now. And my mind a better night sleep knowing that my face looks on point!

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Photos taken at Conglomerat Space


If you want to try them remember that they work with the FOREO APP. Just download it into your phone, go to UFO MASKS and press Play sort to speak. The steps are easy and you probably already used your UFO with the FOREO app before so you know the drill. If not, it’s the easiest in the world. Just open the app J Ohhh, and also, when you’ll scan the mask you want to use, the app recommends you the personalized regime for your type of skin need.


Oh again, the FOREO UFO gadget and mask are just a step in my routine, after this I apply a personalized Intraceuticals serum on my face and a La Mer eye cream. But these are optional and each of us can find the products suitable for their needs. A mask per day however, it’s what will maintain your fresh face for a long time and without any invasive procedures.

Let me know how the 3 FOREO heroes are working for you.



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  1. Mimi F says:

    Ce bine iti sta blondaaaa <3

  2. Love your hair! <3

  3. Andrada Anda says:

    Foreo asta face minuni. Am aparatul mic de curatare si sunt super multumita, deci o sa testez si mastile acum.

  4. Vicki V says:

    Am si eu foreo. Cea mai buna investitie pentru ingrijirea tenului. Il ador!
    Esti o minunata. xoxo

  5. Laura Lumi says:

    Unde se gasesc mastile minune?
    Imi place mult ce ne recomanzi <3

  6. Fashionista JJ says:

    Ce cool e cardiganul ala. 😀 Arata foarte cosy & sexy :*

  7. Anca M says:

    Produsele coreene sunt foarte bune. M-ai facut curioasa cu mastile astea. Le-am mai vazut la mai multe bloggerite pe Insta. Te pup!

  8. Florin Dan says:

    Esti superba Ana !!!

  9. Iulia Timofte says:

    Those legs! wow!!! <3

  10. Crisaa says:

    Arati superb blonda si esti foarte fresh la fata. Nu stiu ce minuni folosesti, dar esti superba in poza asta. Esti cea mai tare! pup

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