LooksLiving Art
31 August 2014 / By / 25 Comments

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anamorodan com14I am wearing a Villa skirt and blouse and Steve Madden sneakers – all available on a vintage reticule and a Cartier bracelet

Photos by Silvia Postolatiev  at Bacaro Port



There`s this trend that circled around me for a while and I was convinced that it would make me look like a rata incaltata – it`s the Slip on Trainers. Yes, I died when I saw them at Celine for the first time, the black ones, and they I marveled when I started seeing that they are becoming a world wide trend with everybody adoring them.

But my inner fashion voice, which sometimes da rateuri masive, whispered slowly that this will be a trend that I will adore from the distance because they won`t fit me. So I left them be, convinced that we can`t be lovers. Until last week.

Veronica was surfing the internet and she saw this chic pair of  Steve Madden slip on trainers on Clotier. Oh, they were so perfectly mixed. The so French print and the minimalist, Swedish shape…`I am going to buy them, fie ce-o fi!`


And so I did, along with this Vila pleated skirt which I couldn`t resist and you know it`s one of my fashion staples.

Well, the shock! I actually like how they fit me. And yes, I found a shape that does not make my feet look like they are covered in a huge Yeti shoe. And they are super cool. But that was something that I never doubted in the first place.



Style tricks


Every now and then, take a fashionable break from high heels. It will make you come back the next day when you put your heels back on, stronger, empowered and… taller.

If your style is lady like with a twist always give your casual outfits that dose of Chic it needs to get them from sporty to ladylike casual. I use a mix print game between my sneakers and the reticule and put together the non colored outfit to make the accessories stand out.





Before I go, here`s something that highlighted my evening last night.  Decat o Revista initiated a project called  Bucuresteanul and it`s about people! Real life, good, gentle, caring without being rich, people! Take a look! It will brighten your day.

I loved Ela de la Ghiseul 4, Taxiul cu Bomboane, Muschi si Apa Minerala si Bibliotecara de la `Cezar Petrescu` – I plan to meet some of these people and tell them they really are such an inspiration and real life heroes for us all. Yes, heroes. Because sometimes a hero is that person who succeeds in remaining kind and optimistic in a society that does not support that.







Ana von Morodan






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  1. great gatsby says:

    love the outfit, extremly chic! the shoes are really cool!

  2. eliza popa says:

    espadrilele imi plac si mie foarte mult, din pacate nu pot purta din acelasi motiv din care-ti era si tie teama. port 39 🙁 so I really am Yeti cu ele picioare.

  3. AndreeaS says:

    fusta plisata- eternal love! imi place foarte mult locatia in care ai facut pozele!

  4. Magda Ivan says:

    uneori e asa bine sa renunti la tocuri, chiar si o zi! ar trebui sa facem asta mai des. PS: iti sta minunat cu palarie din paie

  5. pink fairy says:

    o sa fur ideea de tinuta, mai ales ca avem aceleasi espadrile 🙂

  6. rodica says:

    as vrea sa stii ca astazi, din cauza ta 😉 , am stat doua ore pe site-ul clotier. si n-am inchis fereastra pana nu am cumparat! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! 🙂

  7. fashionlover says:

    i absolutely love bacaro port! it’s soooo not romania there! glad you like it too

  8. anamaria ion says:

    espadrielele astea chiar sunt super cool! am cateva perechi,dar cred ca o sa le mai tin o perioada pana cand mai uita lumea de ele

  9. Miruna says:

    hmmm, will definetly try to lose the heels, maybe even and work tomorrow.
    interesting outfit today, courageous i would say

  10. ofelia says:

    the essence of cool is always the perfect mix and match! and I will be forever mixing animal print with…well…whatever comes in handy 🙂

  11. marina says:

    vai, Ana, ador tot ce este vintage si tot timpul ma inspir de la tine. gasesti cele mai frumoase piese, adevarate comori! ai o inclinatie aparte cand vine vorba de lucruri speciale

  12. Creola O. says:

    ai incercat calamar umplut cu fructe de mare? e DIVIN! si cu un rose sec …YUM!

  13. DANA says:

    This pleated skirt is pure perfection! Must have it!

  14. denisa says:

    n-am rezistat si mi i-am cumparat! treaba asta cu linkul direct nu e buna pentru cardul meu 🙂

  15. florence says:

    that place looks soo italian! and so is the outfit. i love it! you need a vespa with that 🙂

  16. andreea says:

    i love that reticule! no rest till i have my own!

  17. cristina dinu says:

    in fiecare zi alt personaj! oare cum reusesti?

  18. ionela says:

    imi place mult clotier si am ochit o pereche de tenisi superbi!

  19. romantic chic says:

    can’t wait for the firts real fall photos! i’m sure they will be dreamy and romantic!

  20. stefana says:

    yes, loose the heels! such a great idea! especially the platform ones!

  21. Tereza Ioan says:

    ma bucur ca inca ne mai putem bucura de vara. sper sa tina cat mai mult. ador rochiile si fustele si vara mi se pare singurul anotimp in care le putem pune in valoare

  22. Ella says:

    the seaside on a quiet afternoon and the perfect brunh. such a great idea!

  23. Ano, combinatia animal print-poseta de domnita din alte vremuri ma unge la inima!

  24. Deosebit de interasanta combinatia, imi place foarte tare

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