LooksLiving Art
26 October 2017 / By / 23 Comments

ERDEM X HM is the dose of British Nostalgia you didn’t know you need










By now you probably all know that I love cliches as much as any dame does. So when I first saw that the ERDEM x HM collection will be sporting floral prints I was In sheer ecstasy. Even Miranda Priestly is impressed, these florals didn’t come in spring!

 After a brief session of brainstorming, I grabbed my 2 indispensables, Claude and Costri, and did some breaking and entering where we found this upliftingly desolate place, overgrown with greeneries turned reddish-brown for the debut of fall. I’m fascinated with things that you can’t tell if they’re 50 years old or 100 years old or completely new.





Now, after this small behind the scenes moment (after which I came to realise I’d be a lousy cat burglar) let me give you 5 reasons why you should own at least 1 item from the new collection.


1.) These clothes have the potential to become treasures passed down from generation to generation. The detailing work is marvellous and the quality of the clothing is top notch. And the craftsmanship of the embroidery is to die for.


2.) The florals. The. Florals. Erdem being charmed by the British countryside, you won’t find him doing heavy/baroque prints, but rather simple ones, that (at least in my case) bring back nostalgic memories. The delicate snowdrops on the satin pieces and the very rough yet elegant bouquet of wild flowers reminds me of my childhood, in tones of sepia.


3.) The cut, mix of fabrics and overall quality of the clothes is irreproachable and they really feel like luxury ERDEM pieces.


4.) Some of the items – such as the twin peaks inspired pullovers, the lace blouses or the white shirt with the frilled collar – are timeless. The only trend they follow is your own and you’ll be able to mix them with anything.


5.) OH MY GOD THE ACCESSORIES ARE SO FREAKING PRECIOUS AND DELICATE! You know I’m a sucker for brooches, earrings and bags. My favourite items are the faux croco embellished bag, the pearl earrings with the crystal bow and the bow brooch.


But what I love the most, in the end, is the melancholy that these clothes simply ooze. For me, it makes them feel like a means to escape to a hidden place in the past where I can roam freely with my thoughts.














Oh, PS. Did you see the short movie for the collection directed by Baz Luhrmann? I saved screenshots from the video to paste them on my inspo board for my mansion. I wanted to recreate the set in our showroom but Claude threatened to strangle me with ivy should I try. 🙁


 The collection will be available for purchase starting November 2nd at 9AM, exclusively in the H&M Store in Baneasa Shopping City, and online at 10AM on


Click, Click, Click for More Adventures

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  1. Mihaela T. says:

    Nu am cuvinte! Atat colectia, cat si pozele facute de tine sunt extraordinare!

  2. iustina says:

    Rochia din primele cadre e geniala ?

  3. minodora popa says:

    this is soooooo beautiful!!!

  4. Timeea timy says:

    I ❤️ you. Esti o poveste!

  5. Minna says:

    Ce frumos ???

  6. emilia oprea says:

    Asta e cel mai frumos costum gri pe care l-am vazut vreodata

  7. vera says:

    You look like you’ve come straight from a fairytale ❤️❤️❤️

  8. geena says:

    Cea mai frumoasa colectie realizata de H&M in colaborare cu designerii mari vreodata. Chapeau!

  9. Oana Lupoi says:

    Here I am, casually praying to all gods that I manage to find some of these online or in the shops. Simply stunning.

  10. rina says:

    Gorgeous photos!

  11. Cristina S. says:

    S U P E R B E toate <3
    dar rochita din prima poza este TO DIE FOR <3
    KISS KISS :* <3

  12. kiki darling says:

    Abia astept sa se lanseze, e super colectia

  13. narcisa veres says:

    You are splendid, my dear, splendid

  14. nina says:

    Erdem is magic ?

  15. Ramona Vultur says:

    Fiecare pictorial pe blogul tau ma lasa fara cuvinte. Totul e mereu in armonie si creeaza o poveste eleganta & fascinanta. Se vede cat de mult efort depui sa le creezi, felicitari pentru tot ceea ce faci.

  16. Rita Carmen says:

    Wow ??? Nu am cuvinte

  17. GEORGIANA L. says:

    Ador influentele romantice ale colectiei, iar rochiile imi plac in mod deosebit. Si iti sta bine in toate tinutele 🙂

  18. Wow! Amazing photos <3

  19. petra says:

    Pozele astea le-as vedea intr-un Vogue Italia, I swear

  20. vivi says:

    Stunning setting & clothes 😀

  21. Shopaholic says:

    I managed to get hold of two dresses and I was so happy! I was looking for pictures of the dresses I bought and found your page. I must say WOW!! Amazing pictures and presentation of the clothes. LOVE how you have presented these just in the same spirit as the Baz Lurhmann short movie, so beautiful. Thank you for all inspiration!

  22. Lucky Jane says:

    Such gorgeous photos, I can’t stop staring at them

  23. luana says:

    Cred ca paltonul inflorat e cel mai frumos pe care l-am vazut vreodata.

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