Do What You Like And You’ll Never Work Again in Your Life?

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22 March 2018 / By / 13 Comments

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I’ve been going through quite a rough period in my personal life lately and about a week ago I started to ask myself how in the world am I not down completely. The answer came to me in a blink of an eye: My job kept my going. I am having so much fun while working that it keeps my spirit up. I know there will be some mean people who will think that what I am about to say is a cliche, but it really is important to love what you do. It doesn’t feel like working if you love your job, it feels like fun. I have already told you that I am surrounded only by people who are on the same energy level of as I am, and who have the same stupid sense of humour as I have. Spending time with them is fun. Working with them is fun, too. I know I am alone in the pictures shown here, but that happened because I am the diva, the countess. Kidding. Or not. Anyway, the pieces of advice that I can give you are: Never lose your sense of humour no matter ho hard your tasks are and try to find the job that suits you best and also brigs you enough cash to buy just as many clothes to keep you happy.


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Lo Spaccio trench – Mineli boots – Jacquemus bag – Gucci sunglasses from Koptic

Photos by Alexandru Rosieanu 


 One more thing: Make fun of yourselves while working. Like I do in this picture, for an instance. I am a 33 years old woman trying to climb on some carriages on the back of a supermarket. What the hell was I thinking? Nothing, I am telling you. But the picture looks good and I was having fun. My colleagues were having even more fun. They were suggesting that I should have jumped from a building nearby so that my trench would look like a parachute. I didn’t. But I laughed. And that is what I do at work every single day. I laugh my heart out. Long story short, I know this is not possible, unfortunately, but everyone in the world deserves a pleasant job. To close the case I am telling you this: Try to find a job you love and laugh at it. Yours, Ana, a very happy worker. My colleagues would have said workaholic, but this is my blog, so it is not their decision. 



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  1. Vilut says:

    WOW! Wow!! Esti ravasitoare cu cizmele alea <3

  2. Ramona says:

    Te apreciez foarte tare pt ca nu te iei in serios si nu esti sclava trendurilor. Asta inseamna ca nu esti doar o tipa frumoasa si atat. Esti si foarte smart. Felicitari!

  3. Ionela Ghe says:

    Mai Ana, eu te stiam “distrugatoare” de inimi, nu de masini :)))
    Glumesc! am murit de ras :))

  4. Sabina Raluca says:

    iti sta foarte bine fara ruj, esti mega-sexy :*

  5. Alex Alexa says:

    Preferata mea e poza: ‘Fashionista langa doza de bere’. Asta inseamna sa faci lucrurile altfel. 😉

  6. Iulia Gheorghe says:

    Poza cu capitalismul si cu mini-poseta e preferata mea. :))))

  7. Felicia says:

    Numai tu poti sa faci arta din niste carucioare metalice si niste cutii de carton. Esti cea mai tare! Mult succes!

  8. Mona Escu says:

    E superb pardesiul. Imi place mult animal-print-ul asta tern. Arata foarte rafinat. Iti vine perfect. Se gaseste si pe online?

  9. Lavinia says:

    Esti superba, Ana. De la tine am invatat ca pot purta trenciul ca rochie. Imi place ca nebunie cum combini tu tinutele si accesoriile.

  10. Dia Didi says:

    foarte cool ochelarii #LOVE

  11. Berta Pop says:

    Tinuta asta e foarte Carine Roitfeld. Yaaaas! <3

  12. Ioana Popescu says:

    cizmeleeeee <3 <3 <3

  13. Oana Gabriela says:

    Treaba asta cu distactia la birou e minunata cand lucrezi intr-un mediu creativ. La corporatie, mai greu. 😀

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