Pe mine femeia asta m-a inspirat ceva incredibil!
Debbie Millman este unul din cei mai influenți designeri și specialiști în branding si vine vara asta la București. Dacă sunteți interesați de design, storytelling și sfaturi despre cum îți poți construi o carieră de succes în ciuda fricilor și obstacolelor, hai s-o vedeți pe Debbie Millman la TNB pe 7 august. Aici aveti evenimentul: Debbie Millman: How to design your creative life. Eu merg.
Mai jos cateva dintre vorbele lui Debbie care m-au inspirat si desfasurarea evenimentului din 7 August.
Five bits of advice for young people starting on a career path (Source:
Do not be afraid to want a lot.
Things take a long time; practice patience.
Avoid compulsively making things worse.
Finish what you start.
Often people start out by thinking about all the things that they can’t do. Once you take that path, it’s very hard to get off of it. Shoot high and shoot often.
„A lot of people ask me how I’ve gotten to this place in my 50 year-old life. I’m not that good, I’m just really unwilling to give up. I’ve gotten to a place where I realize that I want to have a good life that I feel proud of, and the only way to do that is to keep trying, keep persisting.”
„I am very suspicious of anybody who says they have a creative routine. That’s mostly because I don’t think you can make creativity routine. People are always looking for this sort of methodology. I think the easiest way to overcome a creative block is to look at other amazing work and then feel really shitty about the fact that you’re not making some. There is no process. Just get your ass in the chair.”
„My first ten years after college were experiments in rejection and despair. I knew that I wanted to do something special but, frankly, I didn’t have the guts to do anything special. When I graduated, I didn’t feel confident enough, optimistic enough, or hopeful enough to believe that I could get what I really wanted. I wasn’t living what I would consider to be my highest self—in fact, I was probably living my most fearful self.”
The Power of Storytelling & Visual Playground present
How to design your creative life – an evening with Debbie Millman
August 7th, National Theatre Bucharest (Studio Hall)
From designing Star Wars merchandise, and Hillary Clinton campaign buttons, to writing six books, to interviewing designers and other creative masterminds, to working with the world’s largest brands and having her artwork exhibited around the world, Debbie Millman has really done it all.
Even though it may seem that her path to success was smooth, she didn’t always have it all figured out. Quite the opposite, she says. After graduating from college, she didn’t feel confident enough to pursue her dream of becoming an artist or a writer, and often had to do commercial work to support herself. She wasn’t necessarily bold, she didn’t have great dreams, and certainly no plans make it big.
Yet, she did make it big – big enough to be referred to as one of the most influential designers working today. Debbie talks openly about those years of rejection, disappointment and struggle, and the lessons she learned about finding one’s way.
She will talk about these, what design has brought to her life, and how we can all live more fulfilling creative lives during a one-night-only special event hosted by The Power of Storytelling & Visual Playground on Monday, on August 7, at the National Theatre in Bucharest (Studio Hall).
Looking back at her accomplishments, you can easily see why her insights on how to get where you want in life might be extremely valuable. Debbie is the host and founder of the first and longest running design podcast, Design Matters. Over the course of 11 years, Debbie interviewed nearly 300 design luminaries and cultural commentators, including Seth Godin, Alain de Botton, Barbara Kruger, Massimo Vignelli, Malcolm Gladwell, Dan Pink and more. iTunes named it one of the best podcasts of 2015.
She published two collections of illustrated essays, a form of art which has become synonymous with her – Look Both Ways and Self-Portrait As Your Traitor -, as well as four other books. Her artwork has been exhibited in many important galleries and at biennales, and she worked in design and branding with over 200 of the world’s largest brands, including Burger King, Tropicana, Ben&Jerry’s, Star Wars, Colgate and P&G. Her written and visual work appeared in publications such as The New York Times, New York Magazine, Print Magazine and Fast Company.
She is President Emeritus of AIGA (The Professional Association of Design), one of five women to hold the position in the organization’s 100-year history. She has been a juror for competitions like Cannes Lions and, currently, is the Editorial and Creative Director of Print Magazine, the oldest magazine about design in the United States.
Be sure not to miss an evening of inspiration with the legendary Debbie Millman on August 7. We can’t wait to see you there.
Ce tare e tipa, nu am auzit de ea pana acum. Sper sa ajung sa o vad!
Can’t wait ❤️
These are some amazing tips, she’s truly inspiring
Great post! 🙂
Great woman!