To keep in Mind:
This article consists of real life captures. No good postures, no pretty filters. Today i`m sharing with you something I`ve discovered recently and which helped me with my kidney problems as much as it did with my beauty ones. I think our role as influencers is also to spread the word about the innovative ways we can access in order to transform our life into a better existence. And I think when it comes to health and beauty treatments and talking about them things must not be cosmetized but presented as they are.
So here are the BIG News – You can basically freeze yourself
After hearing about this Clinique from different people all over town, last week I decided to discover it by myself so I got an appointment at Noblezza Beauty Clinique.
Arriving at this chic building in the Dorobanti area I was explained step by step what the freezing treatment or Cryotherapy is and which are the effects.
Since I always try to find the easiest way to stay in shape and the real benefits of this method my eyes went and I wanted to try it out in an instant.
I`ve made a video to see the real life feeling. You feel the cold, of course, but it`s like you getting out on the street during winter in a tee shirt. You`ll make it. And it`s worth it. Imagine, you looking like you do now forever. A? And healthy. I`m actually planning to do it for my kidney problems.
Elena taking the temperature of my body
You put on a pair of little ciubotele instead of shoes.
And you enter the sauna. Oh, your head will be outside all the time. Take a look at the video
In case you`re wondering, the colored lights are part of the procedure, a color therapy vibe 🙂
And now, just because I think it`s important to know this stuff also, here are some technical explanations
Cryotherapy is the cooling treatment that requires spending time in a cryosauna at a temperature between -120°C and -180°C. The bone-chilling procedure claims to torch up to 800 calories, revitalize your metabolism, release endorphins, soothe sore muscles, improve sleep, calm inflammation, reduce cellulite, and even reverse the signs of aging (Not that I have wrinkles, but you know..I’m testing for a far far future)
In spite of the extremely low temperatures, the body doesn’t freeze because in the cryosauna, the air is very dry. In a moist air, this temperature would be, with no doubt, inacceptable for the human body.
At Noblezza Beauty Clinique you can try 4 types of freezing treatments – Crio COOLtech, Criosauna, Crio Facial and Crio Body.
I’ll tell you about my experience with the Cryosauna. It’s like something out of a SF movie; the three-minute treatment involves standing in a deep freeze chamber. Liquid nitrogen is used to cool down the sauna, and, after two to three minutes, skin temperature drops to 32 degrees.
The first thing you notice is this enormous rush of endorphins and energy afterwards, and that high lasts like five or six hours. It gave me a sense of well-being, my skin looked great, even my hair was in better shape..if that could be possible.
The benefits of the cryosauna are beauty and health related, and they are many:
- Increase performance
- Decreases muscle soreness, anti-inflammatory and pain relieving benefits
- Detoxifies the body
- Improves the immune system
- Reduces stress, reduces fatigue and improves energy levels
- Improves recovery from muscle injury
- Recovery time from surgery is decreased
- Increases pre-workout energy and vitality
- Anti-aging. Stronger and fuller hair and nails
- Decreased signs of cellulite
- Increased skin elasticity and over-all health.
- Helps improve joint disorders
- Helps fight the symptoms of a hangover
- Boosts metabolism
- Fewer skin blemishes
- Decreased anxiety and depression.
Find more about this treatment here:
I think I found the fountain of health and youth. I’m off conquering the world. I`ll keep you posted how my treatment goes. Tha thaaa
Ana, de unde sunt cerceii? Sunt superbi!
De la H&M 🙂
tried, tested, the best!
Noblezza e un loc perfect, crede-ma ca vei fi extreeeeem de multumita!
vreau si eu sa incerc, mi se pare o inventie ge ni a la
wow, cum sunt sandaleleeeeeee
criosauna m-a ajutat mult, ma bucur ca incerci, o sa ti placa
a, I must try this too! And I really must have a bag like that 😉
Noblezza e cel mai tare loc din oras if u ask me 😉 bravo
Superba in rochia asta, iar cerceii…nu pot sa-mi iau ochii de la ei :))
video-ul e foarte funny
imi doresc de cativa ani sa-mi fac cateva programari de criosauna, trebuie neaprat sa-mi fac timp pentru asta
Noblezza e una dintre cele mai bune clinici de la noi, o recomand cu caldura
ce tare, musai sa incerc si eu 🙂 forever young sounds pretty awesome 😉
Criosauna is the best!
M-ai convins, imi fac programare :))
cred ca e foarte important sa invatam sa avem grija de noi de cat mai devreme ca sa nu ne trezim mai tarziu ca e prea tarziu
Sandalele to die for ❤️
now this is a must try