Buh-bye,We’re Off to Dubai – Chapter 2

LooksLiving Art
29 July 2017 / By / 10 Comments


Hello Ladies of the Internet,

It is I, the Countess, penning another episode from #theMoffice Dubai Adventure. Today I’ll tell you how I almost ended up in an episode of Discovery’s “I shouldn’t be alive”.



Picture 044




The day started normally – that is, normally from a Dubai standpoint. Crazy pampered, with a coffee in hand on the terrace with a breathtaking view of the stretches of water between the Leaves of The Palm. Our little Clossiger has been yapping on and on and on about how he wanted us all to scuba dive in the hotel’s aquarium to see all the 65,000 marine animals that live within it. Coffee in our hands, Claude and I simply ignored him and went on with our businesses.

Meanwhile he got all hot and bothered about the fact that we never do what he wants – which is “merde de toro” (excuse my French) because most of the time we feel like we live in his little bratty dictatorship.




I was living my crazy old hag fantasy, all prepped up for coffee in my room, in a sheer lace dress, just because I can. And while Clossy drew up a whiteboard with reasons and charts and pie-charts on WHY we should scuba dive, time flew by and we had to land on another terrace, this time for lunch. One outfit change and three thermal shocks later, we were still debating the scuba diving thing.
The aquarium is a marvel of engineering. It’s huge – no, HUMONGOUS – and it hosts more than 65.000 marine animals. Yes. Your read that right. 65k. Also, the fish that call Atlantis, The Palm home are fed 350 kilos of restaurant quality seafood – including shrimp, krill, squid, jacks, sardines and other varieties of fish and romaine lettuce – each day, meticulously prepared in the fish hospital. That sounds amazing, truly, however I STILL had a problem.  There were also sharks involved and I am terrified of sharks. So just to get it over with, the two of us bent a bit for out little fat Mussolini. 






First we took the behind the scenes trip so I could get more accustomed to the animals, especially the sharks. And then this question popped in my mind. How come the fish don’t eat each other? The guide went into minute details explaining how the feeding cycles work. To make a long story short, the animals are always properly fed so they do not feel the need to eat their flatmates. And sharks especially are super uninterested in anything but swimming around as long as their belly is full.



















So, as it very often happens, Claude and I bent all the way and the next thing you know we were trying to stuff ourselves in the polyurethane scuba gear. And ladies, let me tell you: this was BY FAR the most amazing and soothing experience I’ve lived on this Earth. In the first 5 minutes after entering, a shark swam over my head – I got so scared  I thought my heart will pound straight out of my chest. But seeing how my boys were enjoying themselves, reality sinked in. The sharks were really just floating by, and they were so marvelous to look at. I felt all my muscles at ease again and I could just enjoy the show. I felt like time was trickling by in slow-motion. The only thing I could hear was my own breathing but what I was seeing was a whole new Universe unfolding before my very eyes.

The feeling of weightlessness and slight pressure made me feel like I was flying. I highly recommend this experience, it is the best way to destress.




MorodanxRDstyling tee – Morodan Shop pants – Lanvin bleu dress – Pas du Tout sequin blazer – I.D. Sarrieri lace dress – Pnk Casual white blazer

Phots by Costrut at Atlantis the Palm


Needless to say, the next days we strolled in the aquariums (by foot) daily, just to soothe our nerves and decompress. And I think that blue and yellow look really chic on us, right?



Click, Click, Click for More Adventures

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  1. Daria Billa says:

    Cat de tare e acvariul acela, wow 😀

  2. Oanita says:

    In love with that cutout T-shirt <3 <3

  3. Felicia Tinde says:

    Ooooh, rochia transparenta e minunata si iti sta divin ❤️

  4. Em. says:

    Ah, Dubai! Ce frumos, sper ca ti-a placut

  5. Anda Panda says:

    Lovely outfits, as always ?

  6. dalyna says:

    Un loc super frumos, love it!!!

  7. Carla_M says:

    You look like royalty in the black lace dress

  8. Alexandra Diana says:

    Cred ca a fost o experienta de neuitat sa inoti cu rechinii. Si mie mi-ar placea extrem de mult sa incerc intr-o zi.

  9. Flower says:

    Oooooh girl! Super sexy tinuta cu pantaloni evatati si tricoul alb. Daca imi spuneai acum cateva luni ca revin pantalonii de genul nu te-as fi crezut sub nici o forma. Dar iti stau intr-un mare fel 🙂

  10. Nice post hun! 😉

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