Steve Madden shoes, H&M bag, Snobbish Breakfast dress, Tabio socks, NY jewelry
My life is pretty hectic right now, actually it’s pretty hectic always but now if I think carefully it’s madness . By this I’m trying to justify my lack of posts lately.
And because I really have to go and pack we’ll make a list …yes again!
– Don’t forget about theOnlinebijoux giveaway.
– I finally got back to my fav shoes as you can see. I was never a shoe person. I mean I love shoes but I always fall in love with a certain pair and then wear them non stop.
This was the case with these two pairs remember?
– Go and check Corina Stoica’s blog. She’s an awesome journalist and she recently interviewed me.
Stunning pics! That royal blue dress is gorgeous.
Embracing Style
lovely dress, very pretty with the black stockings and shoes, and with the accent of your hat x
foarte dragut interviul (cu o mica precizare… la cuvantul “curcificati” …nu ca nu s-ar intelege ideea ) 🙂
Esti extrem de dragut si cu toata ca Aradul nu-mi place ca si oras,in pozele tale il faci sa para,alaturi de tine…magic!
Te pup :*
love electric blue with fuchsia! and the interview is lovely!
The way you’ve posed the first photo makes me think you’re on Champs-Élysées or Broadwalk :)or a very fancy avenue from another city. I like your blue dress. You didn`t tell us the brand 😛
Such a lovely dress. Love the color and cut of it.
am citit articolul Corinei.vezi,toata lumea te iubeste!As vrea sa te intreb despre rochia asta albastra.vreau asa rochie,croiala,culoare.???
oh my god! ana!! that’s such a beautiful outfit 😀 Love the color combination & this dress is amazing 🙂
Live.Laugh.Love. – everyday.
I absolutely love the color combination. It’s like French with a twist. Plus the amazing leopard bag. LOVE IT!
– Caitlin (
Vreau si eu rochii ca ale tale! Unde cum?
What a gorgeous shade of blue! And the bag is adorable.
pink + animal print? sassy. i like it. and you look divine in bright blue 🙂 have a wonderful week!
wowww– how you do it!! im impress every single outfit just perfect congrats your style its impecable and your blog very entreteiner.
amazing like always!!!!
Omg, it`s a Snobbish Breakfast dress! It`s just fantastic! Love your work, Ana!
i am dying about this dress!!!!! will it be avaliable on your online store?
I love so much the combination you made between pink and blue:X..the dress is really flattering you…again a wonderful and inspiring outfit:X
xoxo sere
love the dress very very much & the pink hat on top is fantastic!
I love, love, love your blog…..
wow, mai ai statueta de genul ala ! aveau si ai mei, dar s-a spart cand eram mica – primul cutremur 🙂
perfect outfit, amazing colours.
Superba rochia.
Love the blue and the pink. And congrats on your new shoes.
gorgeous dress!
This dress is sooooo marvelous! The color fits your perfectly! You’re so lovely on this outfit! The bag is sooo beautiful too!!! 🙂
fantastic dress, the colour is so beautiful and suits you so well 🙂
This is so cute! I love those colors together 🙂