Blow connections

18 January 2011 / By / 28 Comments

Steve Madden shoes, H&M bag, Snobbish Breakfast dress, Tabio socks, NY jewelry

Photos by Cornelia Gaie


My life is pretty hectic right now, actually it’s pretty hectic always but now if I think carefully it’s madness . By this I’m trying to justify my lack of posts lately.

And because I really have to go and pack we’ll make a list …yes again!

– Don’t forget about theOnlinebijoux giveaway.

– I finally got back to my fav shoes as you can see. I was never a shoe person. I mean I love shoes but I always fall in love with a certain pair and then wear them non stop.

This was the case with these two pairs remember?


– Go and check Corina Stoica’s blog. She’s an awesome journalist and she recently interviewed me.

Click, Click, Click for More Adventures

Forjor de Zambete la Fabrica de Cultura – FITS 2018
22 June 2018
My Future Obsession: FOREO UFO smart mask device
3 May 2018
H&M’s Conscious Exclusive Collection – The Next Chapter
18 April 2018


  1. Anthea says:

    Stunning pics! That royal blue dress is gorgeous.

    Embracing Style

  2. Fanny says:

    lovely dress, very pretty with the black stockings and shoes, and with the accent of your hat x

  3. Diana says:

    foarte dragut interviul (cu o mica precizare… la cuvantul “curcificati” …nu ca nu s-ar intelege ideea ) 🙂

    Esti extrem de dragut si cu toata ca Aradul nu-mi place ca si oras,in pozele tale il faci sa para,alaturi de tine…magic!

    Te pup :*

  4. kittenhood says:

    love electric blue with fuchsia! and the interview is lovely!

  5. The way you’ve posed the first photo makes me think you’re on Champs-Élysées or Broadwalk :)or a very fancy avenue from another city. I like your blue dress. You didn`t tell us the brand 😛

  6. Sing says:

    Such a lovely dress. Love the color and cut of it.

  7. modniza says:

    am citit articolul Corinei.vezi,toata lumea te iubeste!As vrea sa te intreb despre rochia asta albastra.vreau asa rochie,croiala,culoare.???

  8. Stephanie says:

    oh my god! ana!! that’s such a beautiful outfit 😀 Love the color combination & this dress is amazing 🙂
    Live.Laugh.Love. – everyday.

  9. Caitlin says:

    I absolutely love the color combination. It’s like French with a twist. Plus the amazing leopard bag. LOVE IT!

    – Caitlin (

  10. Delia says:

    Vreau si eu rochii ca ale tale! Unde cum?

  11. Inés says:


  12. What a gorgeous shade of blue! And the bag is adorable.

  13. Alecto says:

    pink + animal print? sassy. i like it. and you look divine in bright blue 🙂 have a wonderful week!

  14. wowww– how you do it!! im impress every single outfit just perfect congrats your style its impecable and your blog very entreteiner.

  15. Irina says:

    amazing like always!!!!

  16. Omg, it`s a Snobbish Breakfast dress! It`s just fantastic! Love your work, Ana!

  17. VeRo! says:

    i am dying about this dress!!!!! will it be avaliable on your online store?


  18. Sere says:

    I love so much the combination you made between pink and blue:X..the dress is really flattering you…again a wonderful and inspiring outfit:X

    xoxo sere

  19. those tricks says:

    love the dress very very much & the pink hat on top is fantastic!

  20. I love, love, love your blog…..

  21. sasha says:

    wow, mai ai statueta de genul ala ! aveau si ai mei, dar s-a spart cand eram mica – primul cutremur 🙂

  22. AzaharaJS says:

    perfect outfit, amazing colours.


  23. Love the blue and the pink. And congrats on your new shoes.

  24. necas says:

    gorgeous dress!

  25. Dani Freitas says:

    This dress is sooooo marvelous! The color fits your perfectly! You’re so lovely on this outfit! The bag is sooo beautiful too!!! 🙂

  26. Annelie says:

    fantastic dress, the colour is so beautiful and suits you so well 🙂

  27. Jay says:

    This is so cute! I love those colors together 🙂

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