Last week VIP Magazine awarded me with their Best Fashion Blogger Award.
Thank you VIP Magazine for this honor! As I said on stage, I share this award with all my colleagues, lifestyle and fashion bloggers, we all succeeded in developing a new line of business and I’m extremely proud of us all. None of us would have been here without each other. A single blogger does not mean an industry. Many however…We are a force to be reckoned with, so this prize is for all of us.
Felicitaaaaaari <33333
Those shoes though 😀
Mi se pare de apreciat faptul ca de fiecare data cand poti, in loc sa iti etalezi reusitele, le imparti cu altii. Kudos to you!
You’re a breath of fresh air in this ego-obsessed industry 🙂
One step closer each day… to world domination 😉 We’re cheering for you!
You really are the best!
I love your outfit here. Congrats!
Avem nevoie de mai multi oameni ca tine in blogosfera, atitudinea ta e de apreciat
Congrats gorgeous lady!
Meriti premiul pe deplin 😀 Keep up the good work!