From now on I must make lists for everything. I wanted to tell you something today but I forgot.
Anyways remember a while ago when I looked like Wednesday Addams? Well, now I’m Morticia.
Ooohhh also go check Delia’s blog, she is an awesome journalist, she writes for Tango magazine and she recently interviewed me.
Thank you Delia :).
Also Stella said that she found an article about me on a site, a Russian one so I can’t understand anything, but if any of you guys do go check it out. And also come and tell me what they said 🙂
I hope you guys have a magical weekend. As for me I plan to go to the market, pack more of my things, go for a run (God I hate this!), meet some of my friends and try to stay out of “it could only happen to me” situations.
of, ce accesorii frumoase….salivez 🙂
Love this Morticia-look! is so simple, but perfect. nowadays I just want to wear everything simple..
Imi place muuult rochia dar si accesoriile o pun in valoare!
Felicitari si pentru interviu si pentru articolul rusesc. Nici eu nu inteleg dar sigur e de bine. 😛
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http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Ffashiony.ru%2Fpage.php%3Fid_n%3D34822 – o traducere f exacta :))
zice asa ” va prezint o noua mostra de stil romanesc, mai precis al blogheritei Ana-Maria. Nu am aflat cati ani are, imediat ce aflu -voi scrie. Fata mi-a placut nu doar mie ci si unora dintre vizitatori; nu tuturor, dar gusturile nu se discuta.” am incheiat citatul)) prima parte e defapt asta “http://fashiony.ru/page.php?id_n=34759″ unde zice ” ca esti fashion addicete, ce iubeste pisicile, casele vechi etctec” si prin comentarii cineva intreaba cati ani…
Salut!as vrea sa-ti spun ca de cind te-am descoperit imi placi ff mult, absolut tot!!esti ff stilata si-ti urez succes in tot ce-ti doresti sa realizezi…
deci am scris ceva despre tine si ti-am furat niste poze(sper sa nu te superi)…numai ca am scris in rusa(eu is din Moldova asa ca stiu si rusa)…iti dau adresele cu publicatiile…
daca apar ceva intrebari, ma gasesti)
p.s. toate fetele de pe acest site de moda au fost placut surprinse de tine si tilul tau si le-ai placut ff mult
cu drag,Maria…
haha…hai ca nu am citit ce ai scris…imi pare rau)
uite,Ana,am descoperit si eu cine a scris acel articol,de fapt intre timp,am vazut ca sunt vreo patru despre tine-fata care a comentat inaintea mea-margantzovka.te pup,te iubesc,esti superba!
aww ce ma bucur ca va place…deci mai vreau sa fac un articol…numai sa-mi spui daca agreezi ideea:*
Anyhows I love the Morticia look! I love the jewelerry, the contrast between them and the dress is great! 😀
you are just so lovely, these pictures are so pretty! You look a little bit like Edit Piaf 😉
you are just so lovely, these pictures are so pretty! You look a little bit like Edit Piaf 😉
I love this on you!
The first full length shot is beautiful.
Way to work it!
your jewelry, your jewelry.. your jewelry!!! 😀 Love it.. 😀 amazing 😉
Live.Laugh.Love. – everyday.
This outfit is wonderful! I love the combo!
This outfit is wonderful! I love the combo!
ooohhh I love, all
Ana, e online 🙂
Ana Maria, iti multumesc pentru interviu.Un week end plin asadar…
ti-am scris un email))astept mult*
Loveee your black skirttt!
Looks awesome on you!
I’m in love with your jewelries!!
Absolutely love this! What a great idea to pair the sweater and long skirt to create an elegant dress lookalike. (and your jewelry is fabulous!)
Vai m-am îndrăgostit de bijuteriile tale :X Arăţi superb!!! :*
Oh, you look absolutely gorgeous! You look like you should be joining Audrey Hepburn for a few drinks, but better because you would outshine her ♥
Hi there,
Your blog is really lovely. Please come by to have a look at my fashion blog Pretty Portobello
See you soon.
You look just gorgeous with all those jewels! Cool brooch!
you are getting famous! well done >:D
Beautiful!! The long skirt, the jewelry–a perfect, glamorous look.
love the style!!!
So classy and elegant. I love it!
stunning sweetie, very Chanelesqu. x
I love your great jewelry!
That is some serious bling. You look fantastic.
You look so stylish!!! Pretty dress!!!
Holly Molly!!!!!!!! That’s all I have to say! Stunning!:)
Looking very good, fabulous in fact 🙂