A Dose of Reality

LooksLiving Art
27 March 2017 / By / 15 Comments

Hello people and welcome to a dose of reality. After all, even air-headed countesses have days when they don’t look like an eschewed copy of… well, every day perfection.


So, this is an honest painting of me, getting ready for an event. And God knows this happens a lot. It’s chaotic, I run around like a headless hen, I change my outfit twice every five minutes. This only happens because of Claudie, he insists on me looking polished. If it were just me, I’d simply waltz in in pyjamas, coated in brooches – EVERYWHERE. This fashion thing, sometimes, it gets on my nerves, it’s really tiring. But I’m not complaining, because at least the makeup is the same every time, so I don’t have to fiddle with that an extra two hours. (NOTE TO SELF: Get a stencil for my makeup so I can apply it even faster.)





If you are following me on social media, maybe you’ve seen that the table in our tea room is always stashed with deco goodies. Deco goodies which hide… you know, desserts, cookies, cakes. Those sweet things which keep me calm and deliciously curvaceous.







So every once in a while we discover some new sweets to buy for the office. Thanks to Costri, we rarely get a chance to indulge in these novelties because by the time we want to take another bite, he will have already emptied my beautiful crystal bowls (NOTE TO SELF: Find a secret location in the showroom to hide sweets from Blac Chyna). So whenever I make an obsession for these new snacks, I stash them in my bag. You know, for when I go out of the office, to always be prepared. PLEASE tell me I’m not the only stasher in the room. Because my team tells me I’m a lunatic for doing it.



Pas du Tout blouse – Miu Miu heels – H&M slippers – Zara jeans

Photos by Alexandru Rosieanu


I’ve been having a sweet tooth lately for the new Crispy&Thin Oreos. George loves them too. Costri… well I guess you know his thoughts on the matter by now, considering I have to hide them in my purses. He loves them as much as I do. Or maybe even more? We’ve been buying them in bulk for the past two weeks.

Have you seen these new Oreo? You can find them in any supermarket. They are just as tasty as the classical ones, only thinner. It’s like they are the more sophisticated relative, but they are just as crunchy. <3

I do sports in order to be able to eat whatever my heart desires. I think it’s unfair to be restrained from enjoying all the scrumptious things life offers. What would this world look like without some delicious sweet moments? Or delicious food? Or ice cream? How can someone stay sane without indulging in all of these? How can you NOT eat those heavenly Oreos??!


Life would be so plain. So with that all settled,

Totally. Out. Of. The. Question.

Click, Click, Click for More Adventures

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  1. Totally in love with your shirt.

  2. Morofan says:

    It’s very nice to see this side of you once in a while 🙂

  3. galina says:

    cat de frumosi sunt pantofii ??

  4. Doina Chebaru says:

    credeam ca sunt singura care are mereu niste oreo ascunsi in geanta pentru momente negre :)))) #loveyou

  5. iris says:

    Nu credeam ca imi voi pune vreodata problema daca imi plac mai mult o pereche de pantofi H&M sau Miu Miu dar iata-ne pusi in fata dilemei. Ambele perechi sunt minunate!

  6. candee says:

    I’m in love with your shirt

  7. jeni says:

    In general nu imi plac dulciurile, dar Oreo sunt slabiciunea mea

  8. Faiblesse says:

    I love what you look like in jeans!

  9. dandelion says:

    Oooh, au aparut si la noi? Abia astept sa-i incerc 😀

  10. Mara says:

    I’ve never seen you in such a casual outfit before, but I’m loving it

  11. ameeee says:

    ce scump e fitz in prima poza <3

  12. dariana says:

    imi placi super mult si in aceasta ipostaza casual, “behind the scenes” cumva. thumbs up!

  13. amanda says:

    Si eu am mereu a sweet treat ascuns in geanta! 😀

  14. Fashionista says:

    You’re a real diva!!!

  15. Foarte misto articolul si pozele…

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