would you like a watermelon?

23 August 2012 / By / 3 Comments


Photos by Serban Cristea



Another week is ending. I hope it was a productive one for you. What are you going to do this weekend?
I plan to go see some Russian movies in an open air cinema and shop some vintage pieces of furniture for the new home.
Leaving that on a side, you know Fridays are the Snobbish Advice days, except if  it’s my saving the world day (yes, what you’ve heard it’s true, I’m a superhero on some weekdays).
Ok, let’ hurry cause I have to pack and get out of this city so that I can see movies in the garden and shop for those amazing and totally useless furniture pieces, as I told you.
My Snobbish Advice today is: buy a t shirt that makes a statement.
Yes, it’s true, I don’t like printed t shirts buy I do consider Noemi‘s Book Cover Tees” tres, tres chic.

Besides Ovidiu‘s, I received another t shirt that I absolutely adore. It’s the one made by Antz.

Their Book Cover Tee is inspired from Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. I loved the book and I love them so I left my jaundices regarding printed t shirts aside and invested in a story telling clothing item.
Why I said story telling item?

Because I loved the stories Antz develop, I love the story Noemi‘s Book Cover Teehas and I love the story I’m writing when I’m wearing their t shirt.

You can find their t shirt at Anthony Frost, Bastilia and Carturesti libraries. Hurry up and buy them before they get sold out.

Click, Click, Click for More Adventures

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  1. I’m a huge fan of statement T-shirts girl, I’m wearing one on the blog today. 🙂 You definitely do have the best photo locations….and poses.

    ~Natasha Fatah~
    ~Natasha Fatah~

  2. Hello Ana,
    where do you shop vintage furniture?
    thanks 🙂

  3. Emanuel I. says:

    Pfoai… Numai tu putea sa te cocotezi pe o taraba cu lebeninta.
    Cat despre tricourile statement imi plac mult cele create de Noemi dar nici ale lui Razvan Firea nu sunt mai prejos.
    Le-as purta cu multa placere pe ambele.

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