Now that I have my own personalized tea set I can go all Lady Gaga on your ass and walk around with a tea cup in my hand. The “blood” bracelet is from “Les Vampires” collection by my favorite Romanian duo – 109 and it’s my favorite accessory lately.
How very Bela Lugosi of me, no?
My Absolut Nails love
I am wearing an H&M outfit, Absolut Nails manicure, Malvensky and vintage necklaces and Seven Veils perfume by Byredo
© Serban Cristea
Here’s my reflection of the day – I’m 28! It strikes me from time to time, mostly in the moments when I realize that my perspectives on life, principles and basically everything is, different than it was at 23.
It all started yesterday when I was about to remain out of lighting because I forgot to pay the bill. Better yet, I never forget, I just postpone. Why do I have to pay the bill when I can go and buy me something beautiful with that money…??!!
I was keeping a maturity lecture to myself when it stroke me – I will soon turn 30! The age when it is said that we are gonna bloom, that we are at our highest point. Well, I kinda don’t want my highest point to be shadowed by the fact that I still postpone my bills to go shopping. Maybe I’ll have a kid, I am gonna forget or postpone picking him up from the kindergarten?
Actually, maybe yes, maybe this will be my minus in the growing up process, maybe I will always delay on paying bills, the fact is that I always pay enormous bills (no kidding, I always pay the biggest bills, I’ve checked in my crowd) – and maybe that’s not even that bad if I compensate it with some other things.
Yes, this last idea gave me a little peace of mind. Therefore, here are 5 things I learned and I think can compensate this bill paying minus and that will most surely help me when I hit 30.
- Every bad food habit you have now will appear on you face and body like a Mordor monster so go to that fucking gym! Now!
- There is no best friend but a multitude of people you relate with, one friend might inspire you, other may help you develop some fashion sense, others are your party friends. Life is about a multitude of persons, don’t trust and learn only from one!
- Being a woman is way better than being a girl. I spent, like most of you,I’m sure, half of my teenage years wishing I was older, then I spent half of my twenties wishing that I was younger. Now I realized that even if I don’t have that young body anymore, I wouldn’t trade the peace of mind that growing up and reaching a certain level of maturity has brought me, for any young body in the world. Self -confidence, peace if mind, wiseness, calm, power, strength, these are all qualities you develop throughout the years.
- Before blaming the people around you for the shit you are living in , take a step back and look at yourself. Most of the times the problem is not someone else. So be honest with yourself, work on improving what needs to be improved, acknowledge your flaws and try to understand others before bitching negatively. If you spread negativity, you will attract just that. Be joyful and grateful for what you have.
- Moisturize and learn to unplug and relax – those late working nights or drinking till dawn are already taking a toll on your skin. Go ahead and indulge in beauty products and massages. Or at least get into the basic routine of moisturizing every time you wash your face or get out of the shower. It’ll keep your skin hydrated and looking younger into your thirties and beyond. If you wait, the damage you’ve done will be harder to undo than bad hair.
Speaking about relaxation and massages, you know that I’m a big fan of spa’s. I’ve been trying to find some good spa’s in Romania for some time now and I can say that I tested many. The one that really got my vote as “closest to my heart” is Spa d’Or.
From their complex treatments to their team of therapists and very chic decor, this spa located in Brasov became my favorite relaxation destination. And yes, it deserves a road trip till there.
Nu sunt inca in the 30’s, dar ma gandesc cu (nu gasesc nemernicele alea de ghilimele pe tastatura asta de Gamer) la MATURITATE.Pentru ca se presupune ca trebuie sa fim seriosi,sa lasam frivolitatile si mofturile care imi dau atata satisfactie:).Un sfat imi permit…nici eu nu suport sa merg la sala…din aceleasi motive…incearca un personal trainer pentru o perioada:).
Ana, I can honestly say that this if one of the messages which has come the closest to my heart … I am 25, I am still lacking a real style in clothes, I am still trying to see what really makes me be ..ME…so, I really take this advice seriously mostly because I know you tell it from experience and because I have come to respect and admire you over time. I wish you all the best, and keep those pieces of
advice coming:-*
oh…and the Malvensky necklace is to die for..:-)
YES! I agree! being a woman beats being a girl! I’m in my early 30’s and … it only gets better if you make the most of your life, no matter what your age is!
YES! There is no best friend anymore but there are lots of friends and acquaintances that you can party with, be sarcastic with, hike with, just make the best out of every relationship of any kind. And YES! Stop bitching about life/things/people around you. If you don’t like something, change it! If you can’t do that, accept it!
Lov U Ana! <3
Well, i think it’s great that we have little flaws like this. but i also love your lists of things to do, we are about the same age and man, my body is changing. GYYYYM I AM COOOOMING!
Salutare , i love your vampire accesory :* tx for the spa tip! i am planning to go to Brasov this week
COOL LOOK Ana, and don’t be upset with your self, we all have our peculiarities. it’s what makes the world go round! Been to this spa, loved it too!
hmm…spa..do i want a spa…yes!!!!!! oh yes please! we need to take care oof our selves, good advice dear, a true lady always does. kiss
Uff I don’t have much time,i’m turning 30 next year 🙂 si mai am de bifat cate ceva din lista ta motivationala 😉
U look amazing as always <3
Pupici :*:*
My dearest wise Ana, this is one of your best written articles, and by all means…I read them All! 😀
You are a witty little countess and I raise a glass of champagne in your honor! Happy future 30 😉
Anul acesta fac 30 de ani și nu am niciun regret pentru că știu unde s-a dus fiecare secundă din viața mea. Până la urma asta este și esența… să nu trăim doar ca să facem umbră pământului.
Sunt de acord cu tot ceea ce ai scris… Dar bucură-te Ana, încă ești “in your twenties”…
Oh yes! Great stuff! I am just working on my list of things to do before I turn 30! Still 28, not for long though so just over a year left until the big one! And guess what! I am sooo waiting for it! Age is really just a number… Until you reach 80 😉 My best cousin and friend and love and inspiration turns 30 this coming week so it made me think that a life audit will do me good. And for a couple of days I did just this… Thought and thought and thought. And no, I am not done yet! Planning as well a trip for more enlightenment! So yes, I am leaving the list open. What I would recommend is first to start with a list of things you have achieved so far! For people who are scared of the “30” this is a must… I did it anyway, just to see with my own eyes how great I am 😉 Then I started on what else I want to achieve! THE LIST… Until I realised that I went a bit on the extreme. of course i had to cut it down a bit… Is really important to reckon if they are achievable bearing in mind your current situation. It doesn’t have to be ‘go to Thailand”! But maybe… Go to Piatra Neamt! Or whatever. So, I am on number 45 now, looking at it and getting instantly happy. Good sign… Not scared, not overwhelmed but just happy. In 2 weeks I am climbing Ceahlaul, never did it… The time has come. It is on the list. What I found in my case is that thanks god through the numerous experiences I lived so far I got to be quite good at those soft/emotional skills. So I learned on the way how to say no, how to make friends and learn from everybody, how to make one person smile etc. Of course I still learn but to see these things already on the other list (things achieved) makes me just so much more grateful of all I had and all I did. And just to think that as time goes by the first list gets smaller and the second bigger make me aware of what I am really made of. Just because, you see, life is so busy that we just don’t let things to sink in… And this is absolutely fucking bad!