January 2018

In Case You Needed a Different Kind of City Break

Living Art

The Loire Valley. It was on my “Must Visit” list. It’s also on my “Must Buy Real Estate Here” list, but you know… it’s always another email, another important meeting you cannot postpone, always another project which needs to be implemented. In the run for success and fortune, “some other time” starts to become a lifestyle.  You work, […]

7 January 2018 / By / 22 Comments

Instead of the Yearly Follow-Up

Living Art

Stiu ca in aceasta perioada toata lumea posteaza un follow-up cu lucrurile misto care li s-au intamplat anul trecut. Pentru ca si eu am facut asta timp de vreo 7 ani chiar, si pentru ca desi anul care a trecut a fost unul foarte bun pentru mine, m-am gandit sa fac mai bine o lista […]

3 January 2018 / By / 7 Comments