Lanvin necklace – vintage cape
I was sitting on my couch watching movies before getting ready to leave for our New Year soiree and in the mist of travelling the country between Christmas and NYE I focused on these two days of couch potato-ing and just now realized I was vocal on social media but had not written my final thoughts of 2015 here, on the blog. (mai trebuiau ceva virgule pe undeva da m-am emotionat)
My sincere thank you`s for each and one of you, my virtual friends for being here and supporting me in everything I did. I know you always thank me for being an inspiration but you must know that I too have to thank you for sending me your good vibes and for encouraging me to always push forward.
I feel that we have learned a lot this year, we became more aware of the things happening around us and we were capable to react creating change. Next year I plan to dedicate a whole amount of my awareness into supporting nature and I hope this cause will be one you`ll relate to. Sure, we`ll be wildly chic while doing that
To my team, Lili, Cristina, Veronica, Elena, Gabi, Denisa, Iunia, Alex and Claudiu. Thank you for baring a chaotic midget and for giving your best in reaching our goals. I am proud and honored to share a vision with friends and collaborators like you.
To all our collaborators who trusted my team and I this year: We enjoyed the ride. We Thank You for believing in our vision and we are now proud to call you our friends.
To everyone I didn`t have the time to meet or chat with, or to everyone I may have did wrong: I am sincerely sorry. Sometimes my plate gets a little too big to handle.
Dear 2015,
Thank you for all the adventures. You will go down in history for so many awesome things which happened this year.
Thank you for the nameless moments lived smiling with the most awesome humans: my friends.
Thank you for your lessons. And thank you for showing me that hard work pays off.
I am ending my year with this article found on my friend Nadina`s wall. What a great last lesson to take with me in the new year.
#2016 I Am Ready
Un 2016 minunata si plin de impliniri!
mooshy feelings from my evil heart as well, devil. muah
ai scris atat de frumos ca-mi vine sa scriu o posta de vreo 500 de cuvinte pe facebook :)) m-am emotionat
An nou splendid!!!!!!!!
Te urmaresc cu mare drag si ma bucur de fiecare data cand ne spui ca si noi, cele care te urmarim, te inspiram asa cum ne inspiri tu pe noi, Te pup, un an nou minunat
te puuuuup, sa ai un 2016 MAGIC!
E o placere sa te urmaresc, abia astept sa vad ce vei face din 2016. Pentru ca you rocked the hell out of 2015 😉
De asta esti inconjurata de oameni minunati, pentru ca esti unul dintre putinii care stie sa spuna multumesc 🙂
have the most amazing year so far. and may every next year be more amazing than the previous
You’re an inspiration 🙂
Iti doresc ca noul an sa fie plin de impliniri si sa ramai aceeasi Ana pe care o admiram si o urmarim cu drag
Happy 2016, have an amazing year!
esti unul dintre putinii bloggeri pe care ii urmaresc- si urmaresc destui din domenii diferite- care scrie din inima aceste texte de multumire
Un an nou minunat, sper sa ne vedem mai des la Cluj 🙂
May we all have an amazing 2016 😉
iti multumesc pentru toate postarile si pozele zilnice <3
sa ai un 2016 mai fabulos decat cel care a trecut , cu proiecte minunate <3
Te pup si te imbratisez <3
Draga mea, iti doresc cat mai multe realizari. Ma inspiri in fiecare zi. Un 2016 magic!
Si noi multumim pentru postarile zilnice si intalnirile minunate 🙂
an nou plin de impliniri
You are amazing, have a memorable 2016
Cool photo;)
Happy 2016!
Eu iti multumesc in mod special pentru desi nu ne cunoastem, ai avut un mare mare aport in ce priveste stilul meu vestimentar din ultimii ani 🙂
❤️ m-ai emotionat cu acest articol
I wish you have at least the same inspiration you had until now 🙂 XOXO
Implicarea in protectia naturii a fost si una din rezolutiile mele pentru 2016, sper din suflet sa nu ma abat de la aceasta promisiune. La multi ani!
la multi ani, iti doresc un an plin de impliniri. abia astept sa vad ce ne mai pregatesti 🙂
Cred ca foarte important ca oameni cu o voce sa se implice in cauze sociale. Bravo
Happy sweet 16 2000 🙂 may your year be full of sparkle 😉
Un 2016 PERFECT!