Living ArtLooks
4 January 2014 / By / 19 Comments

Ana is amazinggg

Ana looking amazing

beautiful morodan

Stella McCartney and Andresco Jewelry

Perfect smiling Morodan

thailand 1

Coconut funMorodan wearing a beautiful white dress in ThaiI am wearing a Parlor dress, a croque umbrella, Erdem for Linda Farrow sunglasses from SunglassCurator, Stella McCartney ring and Andresco Jewlry Molecular ring

© Serban Cristea




I just noticed that I’ve posted summer-ish pictures and it’s snowing on my blog. How I wish we could have warm winters too…

We took some pictures yesterday while we were on Railay island. In the first days I was amazed by the high and low tide effect. Every evening the Moon’s gravitation makes the sea to withdraw with as much as 30 meters. That’s a lot. It’s like in some places during the day there’s a beach and when the night comes the water drowns that part and leaves another without water. A little earth magic.

Yes, I love it here, amazing peaces, Thai food is extremely delicious and healthy – haven’t eaten bread for four days and that for a bread and pastry addicted is a lot – as you can see I’m drinking coconut water (lots of it – here’s some interesting facts about this drink) and their beaches are out of this world.

I was telling you yesterday that I’m going to tell you the “I wish I was younger” episode.

We were coming back from snorkeling around the Phi Phi island. In the same taxi boat with us was on old man with his wife and daughter. Serban asked him if he snorkels also and he said that he does indeed, then absently said “I wish I was younger, I wish I had lived my life for experiences not for things and for what society made me think I would need”.

Tears came to my eyes (fucking hormones). I am young but I also did something similar to what the old man said. For years I spent tons of money on things I don’t even want to remember now just because I thought they would make me happier.  Maybe I should have spent them on gathering experiences and memories because nowadays I realize that they are the only ones that can make us explore ourselves and can bring us peace and happiness.



I think one of our resolutions this year should be to collect moments not things.













Wise wannabe Morodan

Click, Click, Click for More Adventures

(P) Contesele antreprenoare se răcoresc cu Mentol
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Ana Morodan
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  1. oana says:

    Bellissima :*
    Distractie placuta !!

  2. Ana says:

    a face elogiul experientelor in detrimentul lucrurilor purtand o bratara cartier de 5000 de euro si alte asemenea obiecte mi se pare cel putin ipocrit. cred ca ceea ce s-a schimbat pt tine este ca now you have more money to have them both : experiente si lucruri.

    • Ana Morodan says:

      Ana,o sa mentionez urmatorul aspect doar pentru ca ma ajuta sa prove a point: ceea nu stii tu este ca mereu mi-am permis sa le am pe amandoua! Sau ai crezut ca pana acum am stat inchisa in casa si ieseam doar pana la mall? 🙂

      Nu-mi plac extremele iar faptul ca tu pui astfel problema nu denota decat un punct de vedere superficial.

      Cred ca nu ai inteles ceea ce vreau eu sa spun asa ca mai sunliniez odata. Pana acum catva timp desi experiamntam ambele fatete ale problemei, incantarea mea se baza de multe ori pe lucruri (fapt oarecum normal pentru o tanara care s-a dezvoltat intr-o epoca capitalista si care recunoaste ca este o victima a societatii de consum) si mai putin pe momente aparent simple, pe bucurii mici, ca de exemplu un apus de soare, o planta frumoasa, anotimpurile si manifestarea lor in natura. Ei, probabil odata cu maturizarea am inteles ca the right way should be the other way around. Momentele frumoase trebuie sa fie cele mai de pret si nu lucrurile. Desigur, asta nu inseamna ca maine o sa ma mut intr-o coliba. Vezi tu draga mea, dupa rationamentul meu ele nu se exclud ci coexista si at the end of the day asta inseamna o evolutie sanatoasa spre adevaratele valori. Cred, sper…

      Si da, a face elogiul momentelor si experientelor frumoase este permis in orice ipostaza. Sau ce vrei sa spui? Ca ar trebui sa fiu o persoana cu o situatie financiara precara ca sa pot ajunge sa apreciez un apus de soare? 🙂

  3. Emanuel I. says:

    F….g true!
    Am lăcrimat…
    Nu mai scrie d’astea ca devenim emo.

  4. lademoisella says:

    I wish I collect more moments and less things also. The process is though tough as much as we try to do the otherwise. 😀
    You look beautiful and incredibly relax and zen 🙂 Enjoy every minute of it!

  5. Pina Lewis de Chic says:

    i know rich people that are rich not only because of their maoney and possessions, but beacuse they give so much back. and because knowing that their money comes from a capitalist system, they have the power to change some things in the favor of nature and human dignity and they also work hard to do it. for me it’s all about how much you give back, no matter if you are rich or poor, anybody can do it. conclusion, i loved your post ana :*

  6. camelia says:

    recunosc ca si eu m-am gandit la ce a scris Ana (nu Ana Morodan adica), dar pana la urma mi-am amintit de ceva ce mi-a spus unchiul meu cand eram o adolescenta revoltata impotriva sistemului: un sistem se schimba din interior, modelandu-l cand esti in miezul lui, nu din exterior prin forta. asa ca sa fim seriosi, cu totii facem parte din acest sistem, iar Ana face un lucru minunat prin blogul ei incurajand valorile pe multi le-au uitat si care ar face o lume mai buna. Bravo Ana! MUAH!

  7. tina john says:

    i am so glad you are having a great vacation, full of revelations and that you are sharing 🙂 love the dress darling

  8. popescu A. says:

    lovely dreamy view (you and thailand together). and i think it’s a big deal that you realised this, we all got so blinded by “things things things”…

  9. bianca says:

    wish i were there…

  10. Crina Stoicescu says:

    ador locul asta! si tu arati minunaaaaaaaat!!!

  11. Ginger Girl says:

    vai dar ce umbrela 🙂 o pot cumpara de undeva? salutari calde!

  12. High Heels says:

    <3 the rings <3 you r gorgeous as always

  13. kiki J says:

    mda. incep sa descopar si eu serios ca fericirea mea, cred ca a nostra tuturor, e in a te bucura de lucrurile care nu costa nimic. e gratis, si e o alegere. bravo ana! esti frumoasa si smart, ma inspiri, si te respect pentru asta. vacanta frumoasa!

  14. wanda says:

    i find it adorable that you are somewhere summery while your blog is pouring snow ^_^

  15. Stylish One says:

    :)) imi place instagramul tau

  16. Soos Cristina says:

    Si eu imi doresc un sf de an cu caldurica si soare 😉
    Thailand is True Paradise din pozele pe care postezi <3 waaaaa si ce imi place rochitaaaaaa <3 morrrrr
    Pupici :*

  17. Arati minunat! Iti ador rochia, te prinde foarte bine!


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