Living Art
4 September 2013 / By / 45 Comments



My darling kittens, behold, my latest opera…



Clubul de carte al AneiI am wearing a Rhea Costa dress and Zara heels

© Serban Cristea (I miss you! Come home quickly)




Yep, I’m just that fashionista who does it all – reading included. And you know why? Because I’m Ana Morodan! And because being me is fun and special and fantastic and chic and well, pretty much everything!

Have you ever wondered from where I draw my powerful self-confidence? No, it’s not from pretty clothes. Well, maybe only on the successful shopping sprees (#duhh). My self-confidence always came from the books I’ve read.

Sure, I loveee being the superficial prick I am on a daily basis but being like that comes from the fact that I actually know very well who I am and what I know. And reading books was always my best life teacher. You know why? Because it prepared me for facing my life experiences with a different perspective and a special attitude. And that my darlings, that special attitude, makes me unique! Hence, gives me that super attractive self-confidence. Got it?

Here’s another thing you should also get – my supreme goal through this blog is getting you ladies to become the powerful and happy women that you deserve to be! So, if the strategy above worked for me , it has to work for you also.



This autumn you’re gonna get a book club! My book club! We’re gonna read a book every month and then settle a chic meeting to discuss about it. The end.

Nope, it’s not the end because the book club will be held in a very special place that I’m gonna announce pretty soon. And I’m gonna have surprises and gifts for all of you. But before that, here’s the first book I’ve chosen for us to read – Femeile Dictatorilor by Diane Ducret from Curtea Veche Publishing. What better first book to choose than one about powerful and self-confident women? (yes, self-confidence is the word of the day)

I want my book club to be a special and personal gathering and I wanna have my tea and get to know each one of you better. So if you want to come let me know in an email or a comment under this post so that my team can reserve a seat for you subito.


Notice – this event does not require a participation fee or anything else than reading the book we would discuss about. You have one moth to read the book. I’ll let you know the place and the exact date of the meeting preeetttyyy soon.



Now, welcome! This is the unforgettable Autumn!



Do as Ana does and you'll be as confident as she is


Ana Morodan

Click, Click, Click for More Adventures

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  1. Suuuper ideea clubului de carte! Si mie imi place sa citesc foarte mult, prin urmare voi cumpara cartea propusa de tine.:)

  2. I want to participate.

  3. Raluca says:

    E prima oara cand mi-as dori sa locuiesc in Bucuresti… Chiar daca unele dintre noi nu vor putea fi prezente la intalniri, sper ca ne vei tine macar virtual la curent cu momentele frumoase de care aveti parte in cadrul discutiilor! Felicitari pentru initiativa! You really are a hell of a woman!

  4. Veronica says:

    pff Ana, ce idee grozava, mi-ar placea tare mult sa ma inscriu si eu, caci imi place grozav de tare sa citesc.


  5. Amazing idea!! I love reading books and I would be extremely happy to attend such a wonderful gathering. Could you please tell me until when we have to read the book?
    Have a great day!

  6. Soos Cristina says:

    Ooooooo noooo vreau sa locuiesc in Bucurestiiiiiiii !!!!!!!
    Pentru tine,doar pt tine m-as muta in Bucuresti !!!

    Imi place ideea foarte mult 🙂
    recunosc cu mana pe inima k nu citesc
    sooo now because of you asta se va schimba pt k dupamasa merg sa caut cartea 🙂
    Pupici autumn lover Ana :*:*

  7. Ioana Verde says:

    Buna, Ana! Cu cel mai mare drag as vrea sa particip si eu la prima intalnire. Gasesc cartea usor, nu?

  8. Gabriela B says:

    Hei, Ana! Doresc sa particip la prima intalnire daca va avea loc dupa data de 1 octombrie. Congrats for the wonderful idea 🙂

  9. Adriana Damian says:


    Vin si eu doar daca imi spui de unde ai ochelarii.:)


  10. Ana-Maria Pozzi says:

    Marturisesc ca desi iti urmaresc blogul de ceva vreme, aceasta este prima postare la care nu ma pot abtine din a comenta:aplaud ideea ta cu Clubul de Carte, ca lider de opinie faci un mare serviciu comunitatii virtuale promovand si genul asta de initiativa.
    In masura in care programul mi-o va permite voi participa cu mare placere la intalniri.
    Cat despre carte….cancan-uri din istorie!…Cu siguranta voi incerca sa fac rost de ea cat mai repede 🙂

  11. Georgy says:

    hey there you cooltivated one 🙂 mi se pare o idee foarte bua, asadar ne vedem acolo! e grozav!

  12. ancuta radulescu says:

    total binevenita aceasta veste, recunosc ca mi-am dorit sa fac o adunare cu prietenele, dar nu s-au mitivat. deci iti multumesc!

  13. Jane Jane says:

    book gatherings have always been one of my favs, yes I’m a geek. but i also love the word “chic” i’ve studied it 😉

  14. Read My Style says:

    i have been waiting for this moent, honestly. So i am am quite excited about it, you had the greatest ideea from my point of view, and i love your self confidence. as long as we know our faults and work with them for our sake, and others’, self confidence is wonderful. especially on a lady. right? kiss

  15. ina says:

    salutare darga…cititoare! mi-ar placea sa vin si eu, mai ales ca multe din cartile mele sunt de la Curtea Veche.

  16. louse says:

    first of all, kisses and love for you, i admire your passion and strenght. second of all, i accept your invitation, will be there hopefully <3

  17. Diana says:

    Buna Ana,
    As dori sa particip si eu.

  18. R From Raluca says:

    wow! ce tare! o idee buna, vreau sa profit de ea si eu

  19. Ginger Girl says:

    sorry, but i have to notice how you matched your book with your sweet outfit 🙂 very chic, and i read the book, so can’t wait for it

  20. A Modern Girl says:

    now this is nice!

  21. hermina says:

    Draga Ana,
    Iti scriu aceste cuvinte pentru ca imi doresc sa particip la intalnirea sus numita. Sunt o cititoare a cartilor editurii “Curtea Veche”, si nu numai, motiv pentru care consider aceasta ocazie una pe care nu ar trebui sa o ocolesc. Prezent!

  22. Diana Flonta says:

    sper sa pot ajunge, adevarul e ca aveam nevoie de o motivatie sa nu imi las cartea neterminata 😉 great!

  23. celina says:

    hey there stylish one, wish i was closer to this. Congrats for the initiation, since you are inspiring for so many. As for me, what if i start a book club here?
    lots of love

  24. Come On says:

    love the dress and shoes, will get the book!

  25. Andra says:

    Hello Ana! Your goal is acheived! You succedeed in inspiring one of your readers. Sincerely, I must confess that you’re an inspiration to me with your every single post. Can’t wait to meet you at the bookclub. 🙂 I’m bringing 2 friends.

  26. Adina says:

    Foarte tare ideea ! Prezent, prezent, prezent si dupa cum se pare o sa fie cam aglomerat 😛 . Fug sa cumpar cartea si abia astept ” our first date” 🙂

  27. Andreea Carali says:

    Ideea mi se pare geniala…intr-atat de geniala incat, desi iti vizitez blogul cu religiozitate cotidiana, pentru prima data am simtit un impuls irezistibil de a posta un comentariu. Asadar, mi-ar placea sa fiu parte la aceasta noua aventura literara, desigur, in masura in care imi permite programul sa fiu prezenta la intalniri si abia astept sa caut maine cartea in librarii.

  28. Mihaela says:

    Draga Ana ,
    prietenele mele si cu mine suntem deja la a cincisprezecea editie a clubului nostru de carte. O data pe luna, o gazda, ,o carte, 12 cititoare si tinute & mancaruri in ton cu subiectul. Intalnirile astea devin absolut fabuloase!
    Cred ca doar clubul tau de carte ar putea fi mai apreciat decat al nostru!!
    Imi propun sa vin!
    Multumesc! 🙂

  29. Laura says:

    Superba initiativa, imi doresc foarte tare sa particip!

  30. Emanuel I. says:

    Darling, hasme un favor: rezerva-mi si mie un loc pe covor.

  31. Maria says:

    Great idea! I’m in! :*

  32. Linda says:

    Hello Ana,
    I would love to be part of your book club!

  33. Ira Chiriches says:

    Mi-am placut partea cu “Because I’m Ana Morodan. Gen: I’m Chuck Bass. Your argument is invalid.

    • Ana Morodan says:

      pe bune?!?! :))) Cine s-ar fi gandit…

      Daca ai fi familiarizata cu modul meu auto ironic si de asemenea cu obsesia mea declarata pentru bijuteriile ganlonz poate nu te-ai fi luat tu atat de in serios 🙂 Zic 🙂

  34. Raluca Istrate says:

    I’m in :*

  35. Annie says:

    Imi dau un ruj rosu si vin si eu… 🙂
    Saved the date! Whenever it may be…

  36. Mihaela says:

    Hey…e geniala ideea. Mereu mi-am dorit sa fac asta :D. I’m in :*

  37. Alexa says:

    ooooo, excited ! It’s like being in high school again, with all the books we had to read by the next Literature Class! Wonderful! I wish you can do it online too! <3

  38. Cristina says:

    Buna! Vreau si eu sa particip la clubul de carte!

  39. Elena Jidovu says:

    Buna! Imi place ideea,particip 🙂

  40. Andra Melinte says:


    Cu mare drag as dori sa particip si eu. Ma ocup de achizitionarea cartii:)

    Can’t wait to meet you 😡

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