The Business of Being Ana Morodan – The M Office’s Success Key

Living ArtLooks
14 March 2018 / By / 12 Comments

How come do you guys have so much fun together? 


I keep hearing this question over and over again. Especially lately, since we’re teasing to launch our The Moffice Show

My automatic response is always “We just do, it comes naturally!”. Now, that I think about it in a deeper way,  I am keeping my opinion, but I have to make some amendments. It is easy for us to have fun, but we stick to very few unwritten rules. Most of the times. In my opinion, these rules are essential in a team work, if you want to build a long lasting professional relationship. My experience showed me that other teams, who have just as much fun as we do, have quite similar rules.




Rule number 1: Always be open & honest. 

Yeah, no matter what happens, no matter how high the level of frustration you might have accumulated is, if you open up and speak about your problems, 95 % of the times, things will work out, and the problemes will vanish.



Processed with VSCO with p4 preset


Rule number 2 (my personal rule): Never team up with people who have a different energy than yours. 


It never worked for me and now I am almost certain, it never will. It doesn’t matter if you’re a Harvard graduate. If you do not get me or if I do not get you, we cannot work together. God knows I tried, and it was useless. Sooner of later we had to part ways. Beside that, there is another problem: We don’t get each other’s jokes. 



Processed with VSCO with p4 preset

Processed with VSCO with p4 preset

Processed with VSCO with p4 preset

Processed with VSCO with p4 preset

Pictures takes at Domeniul Manasia 


Rule number 3 (basic but most important): My colleagues are not my employees, they are my friends.

I accept their criticism. Not in a calm way, but I do. Sometimes I even let them take the decisions instead of me, but that happens quite rarely as I am a control freak. I almost always ask them for advice or opinion. I respect their spare time, as I believe in leisure myself. I never forget to share my freebies with them. And the last, but not the least, I value them beyond words.


They are the ones who believe and support my dreams, and that, my friends, is the most important thing in any entrepreneurs life!


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  1. Mari S says:

    ai luat lectii de bellydance? cool!!

  2. Dan Matei says:

    Nu stiu cum v-ati gasit, dar e clar ca sunteti bine de tot impreuna :))))

  3. Iulia Jianu says:

    E superb costumul. De unde se poate cumpara?

    • Ana Morodan says:

      nu stiu sa te sfatuiesc, imi pare rau :(( asta eu l-am adus din Egipt.

  4. Lucian I says:

    Cum poate Telespan sa arate asa? Cum? :)))))))))))))))
    Mi-ai facut ziua cu pozele astea. Va iubesc <3

  5. kathia Kate says:

    WOW!! You look amazing, babe!
    Congrats for your body! #STAYFIT
    <3 xoxox

  6. Camelia Dinu says:

    Energia comuna e succesul echipelor reusite. Nu e simplu sa gasesti oameni la fel ca tine, dar e minunat ce comunicare buna poti avea cu ei. Se vede din poze cat de bine sunteti cu totii impreuna.

  7. Ramona Tudor says:

    In poza aia cu Gloul esti Cleopatra direct. Arati super bine. wow!!

  8. Oana Tito says:

    Am fost la Manasia acum ceva timp si cand am intrat in salonul arabesc m-am gandit direct la tine, pentru ca la tine am vazut prima oara poze de acolo. Te potrivesti de minune in peisaj. 🙂

  9. Miruna says:

    Parca esti intr-un cort de beduini autentici din Maroc. Superb decorul

  10. Natalia Nty says:

    Nu cred ca e usor de lucrat cu tine, dar sunt sigura ca e al naibii de fun!! Eu n-am parte de experiente de genul asta la noi la birou. Sa ne anunti daca se elibereaza vreun post 😀

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