Delia Tudose is the most prolific model right now. She`s not just a pretty face and a sensual body, she is this young lady totally focused on having a healthy living – body and mind.
It amazes me how well informed she is when it comes to nutrition, sports and body balance. I, on the other hand, I am still shit at this.
Being an influencer, Delia had this awesome idea – to contribute with her knowledge and awareness to changing people`s perspectives on the way they eat and look at food.
.Model de viata is a webseries where Delia talks with other influencers about their eating habits and about the sports they love.
She chose to start her webseries with me so there I am, that black, puffy spot. But I`ll work out and say goodbye forever to KFC. I`ll make you people proud, you`ll see. #godifyouretherehelpmeeee
Filmed and edited by The Talented Mister Vali Barbulescu
It`s the damn mirror! Without it I would be all Photoshop perfect!…pfff… I have to go to Stejarii Country Club again, just bought a new bathing suit and I look like a potato wearing it.
By the way, do you love my Gabriela Dumitran Millinery Atelier hat?
offff e asa de greu sa ma motivez sa merg la sala, dar faptul ca si tu vad ca treci prin asta chiar ma ajuta 🙂
bafta Ana! you can do it girl!
ah Delia Tudose is sooooo nice I love her! and I also love love love that hat!
loved the girl talk 🙂 it was motivating and pleasant, I am glad I discovered Delia with your help 😉
it’s not easy dar merita Ana! eu deja de un an am devenit din leguma mancatoare de junk food un om care face sport si mananca sanatos si rezultatele nu au intarziat, inceputul este cel mai greu! spor la treaba! you will love yourself in one year!
two gorgeous ladies! :*
frumoasa initiativa, incurajez si impartasesc mai departe cu drag 🙂
thank you for sharing Ana, this is the real life of most us, and your honesty is inspiring
stunnig attitude and humor Ana te ador :****
acum ca si tu si prietena mea cea mai buna v-ati apucat de mancat si trait sanatos…eu cu cine mai mananc prostii…trebuie sa renunt la ele, ca tot ziceam ca voi face asta
you’re gonna look even more beautiful, merita efortul draga mea, spor!
problema este unde gasesc aceasta mancare sanatoasa, este greu de gasit…