Resense Stories

LooksLiving Art
2 August 2016 / By / 21 Comments



The Future

One of the most mysterious and fascinating aspects of life, or so they say. Since the beginning of time, people were mesmerized and obsessed with unlocking its secrets, or at least being able to grasp even the tiniest bit of what it was foreseeing.


What will happen tomorrow? Will I be rich? Will I live in a castle? Will I have more butlers, besides Tudy?

Of course I will. Because my actions transform my future (wise and groundbreaking, I know)










Moreover, lately, all sorts of details seem to give us hints, hints that suggest that the future is now. We have smartphones, I’m having conversations with a robot when I’m calling the bank, I brush my teeth with a silicone vibrating brush and I intelligently smoke cigarettes that don’t actually burn. Yes, there’s a new innovation on the market for us, adult smokers. Heat control technology is a method with the help of which tobacco is heated constantly at 300 degrees. Nope, this is not an electronic cigarette. iQOS uses heatsticks (just like a cigarette, but smaller and more concentrated) and by heating, not burning, it releases an aerosol, without actually producing any smoke. Magic huh? Yes, I do believe it is.


ana-morodan-iqosPhotos by Emil Costrut at Bujole – one of my faorite place in Cluj of which you’ll hear more about soon



So here’s what my tarot said:


  • Lady, lady, lady, you are just a little bit crazy – Well, tell me something I didn’t know…
  • Change the way you’re looking at small habits – I think it could mean I have to change my perfume. Or that I changed my smoking habits from cigarettes to iQOS?
  • You’ll need a bigger office space for your growing team. Start looking, this is the best time to find your dream location mansion
  • Stop wearing black lingerie – Nope, this was just my mind talking


The Future is NOW and I plan to embrace it.


Goodbye for now, this tarot thing is taking over fast, I have to do my research. Who knows, maybe I’m actually a witch, after all10b



Click, Click, Click for More Adventures

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  1. Amalia P. says:

    Awwww, Bujole, locul meu preferat <3333

  2. Alexandra Rusu says:

    M-ai omorat cu pozele astea :))

  3. Maia B. says:

    Deci postarea asta imi place chiar mai mult decat cea cu sirena!

  4. Fashionista says:

    You create the most awesome stories 🙂

  5. IoanaG. says:

    Este deja pe piata acest iqos?? De cand am auzit prima data de el imi doresc unul.

  6. Lavi Lav says:

    Another plain awesome post! Love the concept and you look stunning :*

  7. maria says:

    hahha, prima poza, cu globul e geniala :))))

  8. tiny says:

    love ur dress

  9. Petra says:

    Omg, o sedinta de tarot cu Ana Morodan cred ca ar fi cea mai nebuna chestie ever!!! Ce mi-ar placea…

  10. minnie says:

    but black lingerie is the best 🙁

  11. Madalina Radu says:

    Nu ti-am mai scris niciodata, dar de data asta nu ma pot abtine. Absolut superbe si geniale pozele astea, locatia, toata povestea tot. Bravo!

  12. toni says:

    am incercat iqos si e f tare 😀

  13. Gina says:

    Looking GORGEOUS :X

  14. Alina Caraiman says:

    We knew it! We knew you are actually a witch! :))

  15. Daniela says:

    Ce print frumos ai pe rochie!

  16. andrei says:

    a doua poze e my all time favourite, arati fenomenal

  17. Vanessa says:

    The future’s bright and so are you! You’re my all time favourite blogger

  18. AnaBanana says:

    Ador rochia ta! E perfecta pentru vara

  19. MoroFan says:

    Anything about ruling the world in those cards?

  20. kiki says:

    coolness <3

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