Redesign YourSelf by Baneasa Shopping City

Living ArtMorodan TV
23 September 2015 / By / 23 Comments


Each time I see this I am really amazed – you know. When a brand thinks at its consumers too when taking  marketing decisions. It makes me smile and think that in some special cases it`s People about People first, not people looking at marketing graphics and wanting just to make money. 


RedesignYourself is the new reality show created by Baneasa Shopping City. It`s a reality show where 10 participants will change their life habits. From the way they eat, to sports, self-confidence, public appearance, styling, beauty routines, mind focusing, everything. They will not compete against each other. They will build relationships with one another. Each of them will get access to a full package of goods and services worth around 8.000 Euro. And most of all, at the end of this journey, each one of them will have learned how to be a better version of oneself. 


Yes, their journey will be immortalized on cameras. Yes, we`ll show it to you. And yes, it`s the perfect balance between bringing added value to some of your consumers`s life and marketing it. Because by showing the world how you do that you inspire others.


A? Yes, it brings added value. That`s why this project will rock the scene this Autumn. And I`m a part of it. Because rocking the scene is what I Redesigned Myself to do.










Click, Click, Click for More Adventures

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  1. elena says:

    Toate campaniile pe care le-ai facut pana acum au avut farmec. In schimb, campania asta poate fi prost inteleasa foarte usor, pentru ca intr-un fel insinuati ca statutul de om normal este peiorativ. Admir multe aspecte ce tin de empowerment si self-help in politicile de comunicare. Dar efectul unui mesaj care sa ii impinga pe oameni ori sa se supraevalueze intr-un mod lipsit de un simt comun de modestie pentru ca ‘I’m worth it’, ori sa trebuiasca sa apere motivele pentru care prefera sa se autointituleze ‘normali’, e total lipsit de putere in opinia mea. #justsayin’

    • Ana Morodan says:

      Elena, cred ca tu ai inteles gresit mesajul si cred ca este prematur sa tragi concluzii pentru ca nu stii exact ce se va intampla in acest proiect 🙂 Nu s-a pus problema unei supraevaluari si nici a lipsei de modestie. Aici nu te va invata nimeni sa fii mandru/arogant sau sa-ti exerciti ego-ul. Atitudini care vin din nesiguranta. Ci fix invers. Deci lipsa unei modestii poti sa o elimini din discutie. La fel si supraevaluarea. Si nici nu trebuie nimeni sa se scuze ca e normal ci doar sa explice de ce e asa. Cand cineva te intreaba, e doar atat, te intreaba, nu te trage la raspundere. Asta e cu noi, trebuie mereu sa gasim sensul ascuns din spatele fiecarei intrebari/afirmatii si ala tre`sa fie musai unul negativ. E o prostie!

      Bottom line, cred ca e cool si empowering sa ti se spuna ca you`re special. Si sa te simti special. Si sa traiesti special. Pentru ca din asta vine o stare de bine. Si starea aia de bine te face fericit la sfarsitul zilei. Si cel mai important lucru, cred ca este MAGNIFIC cand inveti sa fii fericit cu tine insuti si sa nu depinda starea asta de altii.

  2. alexandra says:

    vai, ce frumos!

  3. Greta says:

    I think the best aspect is that they are not competing with one another, I love this

  4. carina ionescu says:

    un proiect genial, imi place

  5. Christine says:

    Can’t wait to see more 😉

  6. paula maria says:

    foarte frumos, arati genial pe camera

  7. Otilia says:

    People to the People <3

  8. anca stefan says:

    unul dintre cele mai tari proiecte despre care am aflat in ultima vreme, bravo Baneasa

  9. Liliana Stroe says:

    abia astept sa vad finalul, I’m a sucker for happy endings si simt ca asta va fi un reality cu happy end :))

  10. Marina says:

    super proiect

  11. felicia popa says:

    imi place mult aceasta idee, bravo tuturor

  12. Alexa says:

    I tottaly love you on camera

  13. ilinca oancea says:

    cred ca e cel mai misto proiect despre care am auzit in ultima vreme

  14. CrisTina says:

    cool idea

  15. Corina Paunescu says:

    Bravo, Ana! Meriti sa ti se intample astfel de lucruri minunate

  16. livia ene says:

    I love real reality shows, I think this will be one of my favourites this autumn

  17. Rodica says:

    E o initiativa minunata a celor de la Baneasa Shopping City, felicitari

  18. laura_love says:

    finally, something that is NOT a competition

  19. Diana says:

    yes, you Do ROCK THE SCENE!

  20. Natalia C. says:

    Minunat, abia astept sa i vad pe toti la final 🙂

  21. atena says:

    Wow, mi ar fi placut sa fiu concurent 😉

  22. Clara Dinu says:

    Ce tare, imi plac provocarile de tip extreme makeover

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