Recycling – The New Art of Living

Living ArtLooks
27 July 2015 / By / 17 Comments


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We`ve been doing this at home and at the Morodan office for quite some time now so here`s another aspect from my lifestyle you might not have known – I`m an avid environmentalist.


And yes, I recycle. A lot. Paper and now plastic also. We`ve been taking it to a collecting point in Floreasca neighborhood but that place closed in a few months so Veronica found this place in the parking area of Baneasa Shoopping City.



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Nope, nobody paid me to write about this place. And even if they would have done it, you know that if I don`t believe in a product I`m not talking about it. No matter the fee. Yeah, I`m snobbish like that 5b


What`s really cool is that they want to encourage smart recycling and you get payed for every kg of recycling garbage you bring there. Sure, the amount is not much, but it`s a step to motivate people to be more aware.



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Processed with VSCOcam with hb1 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with hb1 presetH&M dress – Zara cape – Ana Morodan at Smiling Shoes heels – Obsidian mankind ring – Spektre sunglasses from Optiblu

Photos by Alexandru Rosieanu




This was me a few days ago when we came from the Amber Garden shooting. I posted a picture on Facebook then, remember?


I didn`t know who they are but they know me so a few days later the mailman brought these boxes with flowers telling me that the boxes were made from the paper I recycled. What a positive and WOW surprise. It made my day. And finally found out that this company is called Green Group.


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Thank you! And thank you for believing in the same values that I do.


Living beautifully never meant owning tons of desirable goods. At 30 years old when I look at trees I`m not taking them for granted. I thank them.


Nope, I`ve not gone mad, I`ve just grown up. Beautifully, I hope.









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  1. anamaria says:

    ce frumos, o sa patrez si eu hartia si plasticul pentru viitoarele drumuri la Baneasa

  2. Ilinca says:

    rochia e superba

  3. Marga Truta says:

    Good for you, we need more people like you

  4. paula maria says:

    cred ca adultii de azi ii pot schimba pe adultii de maine si ii pot face sa inteleaga cat de important e sa reciclezi. copiii trebuie sa invete asta de mici

  5. Anca says:

    arata splendid cutiile cu flori

  6. lauralove says:

    I absolutely adore the sunglasses. And the fact that you recycle. I do to 🙂

  7. Si eu incerc sa rerciclez pe cat posibil, desi am auzit ca degeaba ne chinuim pt ca sunt stranse de fapt tot impreuna. Sper sa fie doar un zvon nefondat. Ai idee unde s-ar putea duce gentile pe care nu le mai purtam? Stiu ca in strainatate exista containere pt asta. Hainele se pot dona si am facut deja asta, dar pt genti e cam aiurea sa dai de exemplu oamenilor fara adapost genti pt ca nu le folosesc la nimic.

  8. Liliana says:

    Bravo, Ana! Un exemplu pentru multi

  9. Irina Tudor says:

    Din pacate mai avem mult de reciclat pana cand aceasta activitate perfect naturala in alte tari o sa devina si la noi la fel de naturala ca aruncatul tigarilor pe jos 🙁

  10. flory says:

    te-am vazuuuuut :)) esti superba

  11. Diana says:

    Taking care of the environment is taking care of our future

  12. ada m says:

    you look great in that amazing dress ❤️

  13. Alina N says:

    Foarte frumos mesajul! Acum cativa ani am adunat la serviciu cam 70 kilograme de hartie si cand le-am dus la reciclat am obtinut 70 de bani. M-a intristat cumplit. Alte materiale sunt mai valoroase, fierul vechi sau cuprul de exemplu, si nu ma refer la castigul meu financiar, ci la felul in care apreciem resursele. De curand am inceput si eu sa reciclez, orice misca practic, si de cand mi-am schimbat stilul de viata adica hrana curata, produc mai putine deseuri in urma alimentelor. Mi-a placut si postul lui Mazilique despre cum sa eviti food waste.

    Am citit despre initiativa unui model, The 87 days, in care timp de 87 de zile si-a propus sa nu mai cumpere haine si asta deoarece industria modei este al doilea mare poluant al planetei, dupa cea a petrolului si a gazelor. Poate scrii un post axat pe asta ca sa reducem nevoia de shopping shopping shopping si sa folosim ceea ce deja avem, sa donam ce nu ne mai place si alte sugestii. Stiu ca tu mereu ne indemni sa cumparam piese cheie si ai organizat si sesiuni de shopping pentru hainele tale pe care nu le mai folosesti. Multumesc!

  14. Cristiana Ilie says:

    Foarte frumos din partea ta. Ar fi bine sa ne ajute si autoritatile in acest proces de reciclare. Oricat de mult mi-as dori sa fac asta, ajung destul de rar la Baneasa 🙁

  15. irina c says:

    How very nice of you, we recycle as well

  16. Iulia says:

    cred ca am fi departe daca macar unul din 10 romani ar recicla

  17. bianka says:

    Awesom outfit, I would love to meet you

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