imperfect, silly, hopeful, happy, dreamy

22 November 2010 / By / 31 Comments

Steve Madden shoes, Snobbish Breakfast velvet pants, H&M blouse, vintage necklaces
I finally did it !

I finally succeeded in taking some pics with the remote. I’m soooooo proudddd.
I mean I never had the patience and calm to take pics alone until this Saturday.

Got dressed up, took the tripod* and got out in front of my building. Ohhh the circus, people staring, cars passing, me laughing.

Then T passed by and she saved me. How? Well, we basically started laughing together.

* it took me like 30 minutes until I managed to set the camera on the tripod and place it in the proper way.

Click, Click, Click for More Adventures

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  1. nookie says:

    and they turned out great!
    eventhough I’m not a fan of velvet in general, the SB pants are magical:)

    ps: if you don’t tell me where you got the keep calm notebook I’m gonna come to Arad and steal it from you:)
    I know your street and your building, so beware;))

  2. Heels lover says:

    You’re brave:)) I hate it even when they stare at the person who takes me photos but to take the tripod outside…genious!:))

    Oh and thise pants are awesome:D

  3. Mirela Petre says:

    love your velvet pants. the colour is gorgeous too, great choice!
    are they purchasable? 😀

    i admire you courage to take photos with the tripod in public, on the street 🙂


  4. Fleur-de-Lis says:

    Great photos!!!
    Loving the mix of stripes with the red pants*
    BTW: your hair looks perfect!

  5. Anonymous says:

    pfaaaaa, m-ai pus si pe mine ;))) i look funny :)) da pozele-s super! pusi

  6. Iulia says:

    Ce bine iti sta in pataloni din catifea… Imi plac mult, dar doar sa ii admir. Si culoarea e mirifica!

  7. modniza says:

    pantaloni di catifea superbi!

  8. DeVero says:

    So brave you are!! I tried to take pictures like you but I’m allways out of focus hehehe…
    Great look!!

  9. Nancie says:

    loooooove this, fab and lush!

  10. Lill says:

    Dear mea draga,ai fost cumva azi dimineata la ora 8 pe str Closca? Cel mai sigur am trecut una pe langa alta!

  11. I am in love with this outfit. The richness of the pants is to. die. for.

  12. J.S. says:

    cute outfit….I love the stripes with the red…cute!!!!


  13. Sing says:

    Bold lady. I still can’t muster up the courage to do that. lol
    YOu look great, love the blouse.

  14. The red velvet pants are awesome, you look great and I can only imagine the fun you had: minus al the work with the tripod and the stares. :)))

  15. Candy says:

    i love love loooove this outfit SO cute! the red velvet pants and stripped shirt which unbuttons at the bottom (awesome) make the look so fun and light hearted! i couldn’t pull it off but i like seeing you do it!


  16. Is that a backwards top I see? Nice job. And nice job on the photos too.

  17. Simo says:

    pretty crazy! :))

  18. Annelie says:

    I’m in love with your trousers!!! the whole look is fantastic 🙂

  19. Sere says:

    Your hair looks different in a very good way..I like it…plus the combination that you made in this outfit is very always an amazing look:X

    xoxo sere

  20. Special K says:

    OMG …those pants are sooooo cute! Pure love, I want a pair :((

    si carnetel de ala imi doresc :)):D

  21. Roswitha says:

    Thx a lot! I really really appreciate it!

    God, that blouse of yours is eye candy! Everytime i see it on you i’m 8->.

    Have a great night!


  22. Anaivilo says:

    OMG I am trying to make myself velvet pants since forever! They are just perfect! Now I am even more keen to make them 😀 I just need time.

  23. AzaharaJS says:

    funny pants!!!jiji


  24. Angela says:

    Now you design pants? They’re pretty fantastic! Love the hair too!

  25. Lara says:

    foarte foarte dragut! pantalonii sunt grozavi!

  26. classiq says:

    The pics are so nice! I’m beginning to discover velvet this season, as I did with lace, and I really love your red velvet pants! They look so chic with the ruffled-shoulders striped top!

  27. Irina says:

    ador pantalonii! arati bine, ca de obicei!

  28. Irina says:

    Cu plăcere! Când o să comercializezi genul ăsta de pantaloni? 😀

    Cu drag,

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