This interview for Sapte Seri puts a big smile of my face. I’ve met with Ana-Maria Caia – Sapte Seri’s Editor-In-Chief – and we’ve talked for three hours about my business, about my beginnings, but mostly about where The Morodan Corporation #ha is heading. I’m so grateful that she captured my perspective in such an honest manner. Every time I get the change to reach a new community I want to be honest, I want to talk about where I come from, I want to tell you that yes, it’s hard but not impossible. I want to tell you that hard work, sacrifices, sleepless nights, countless moments of frustration, never giving up, never accepting ‘I won’t Succeed’ as a constant life motto, every tear, every disbelief, they all pay off. You can succeed, and you can build things from scratch. Just don’t focus on the ‘How? I Have no Money’ and set your mind on ‘I don’t care how, I’ll find a Way!’
I’m humbled in front of each message, email or real life talk when I meet with you, the ones who follow me, and you tell me that I’m a big inspiration. Business matters, but this kind of moments are the ones worth working for. And yes, if I can do it, you can do it! If I succeeded, you can too! Grab a copy and find out how.
Matei L Buta rocked the scene with these photographs
Thank you! Thank you to Ana-Maria Caia, to Sapte Seri and thank you to all of you. We are in this adventure together!
I’m posting the pictures taken by Matei again. I just adore them.
Aureliana robe – PNK Casual sequin pants – Tria Alga earrings – MoonCast jewelry rings
PNK Casual blazer – Le Midi necklace – Falke tights
Sweet Paprika dress – Hardot heels
Photos by Matei L. Buta
Esti cea mai tare Morooo!! Congrats!
Wooo, ce imi place poza in sacou, esti super sexy 😀
Loved it. Si pozele, si interviul, esti minunata, ca de obicei 🙂
La cat mai multe, Countess <3
Your attitude is the sexiest thing ever. I’ve been following you for years and I still love every single post.
Felicitariiiii <3
I’m in love with those fishnets with the pearls on them
Felicitari, Conteso, you deserve it all.
So many amazing outfits, I can’t even pick a favourite
Love that detail you added with the pearls beneath your eyes, looking lovely 🙂
Bravo, este foarte frumoasa coperta!
You are amazing, you deserve every single wonderful thing that’s happening to you ❤️❤️
Felicitari, you’re awesome
Those pants, OMG <3
Mi-a placut de am murit interviul 😀
Trebuie sa mi-o iau, oare stii cat timp sta pe standuri?
Am citit interviul pe nerasuflate, you have a way with words… Felicitari pentru tot ceea ce ai construit pana acum si iti doresc cat mai multe reusite 🙂
Incerc sa imi dau seama care dintre aceste tinute e preferata mea si efectiv nu ma pot decide! Sunt superbe si te prind extraordinar, esti pe departe cea mai stilata perosoana pe care o stiu ever!!
This photoshoot is amazing
Bravo, Ana, e minunat articolul, iar de poze nu mai vorbesc
Super simpatic cinemagraful 😀 Si felicitari!
Ce-mi plac brosele tale in forma de paianjeni!
Queen of pearls <3
You’re an amazing cover girl, as always! I hope to see you on many more covers, maybe even Vogue :D:D
Of, cat regret ca nu sunt in tara acum 🙁