Colors Might Be The Next BLACK?

Living ArtLooks
30 September 2014 / By / 25 Comments

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anamorodan comI am wearing – H&M Studio boots, PNK Casual blouse, pants and vest, Celine sunglasses, Mono and Me, Brazilets and Societe Cerebrossa bracelets available at Societe and a Proenza Schouler bag

Photos by Silvia Postolatiev in Milan




I am definitely a mono colored kinda fashion consumer. No, I am actually a black/white/grey kind of fashion addict. Twice a year I might like a print. However, colors bring with them energies. And as a New Wave believer, I am all about energies and the Law of Attraction. So if colors might influence my wellbeing and self-confidence than by all means, bring them to the table.


Red – used in the right dosage and on the right item might become your strong weapon.

Purple – it`s a color that you either love or hate. Somehow, this is what people say about me – that I do not pass unnoticed. You either love me or hate me. It`s also the color of emperors and royalty. You must agree, purple and I, we`re meant to be. #haha Nope, didn`t staine the delicate blouse. I use DOVE Invisible Dry deodorant remember? Tested on 100 colors.

Blue –it symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven. It also symbolizes mind stability and balance (and you people who thought I was a lunatic)


I am talking about the colors of my today`s outfit of course. Yes, I`ve inserted a tint of black. It was a must. It makes me feel like this dark little countess (did you know that my original nickname was The Little, Black Countess? Tavi, you`ll forever have the copyright on it)

Fact is colors influence the way we feel and the way people around us react to us. Must keep in mind to write a post on this subject. No, don`t say that you can`t use colors now that autumn is here and winter is just around the corner. Fashion is a tool that you can use all year long. It will give you confidence. So here`s my resolution for this new cold season – let`s use colors. Maybe they will prevent us from getting depressed from all the mud that will invade us.


And maybe we will remember what DOVE  always told us – that feeling comfortable in our own skin is the key to feeling beautiful ! And we have Dove Invisible Dry deodorants tested on 100 colors to use while choosing colored clothes that make us feel beautiful every single day. #realbeauty






Anetta Coloretta

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  1. Imi place foarte mult combinatia de culori din tinuta ta 🙂 Si bineinteles si noua asezare in pagina a blog-ului tau 🙂

  2. fashionlover says:

    that blouse and those boots! the lovely!

  3. Ioana Popa says:

    ador culorile si ador noul blog! felicitari!

  4. amira says:

    cool outfit! is it in milan?

    the boots are to die fooooor!

  5. oANA FILIP says:

    MOV E CULOAREA MEA PREFERATA, in toate nuantele. very royal indeed!

  6. cris says:

    a tint of black is always a must 🙂

  7. marga says:

    arata superb noul blog! imi place la nebunie!

  8. Marina Dobre says:

    feeling comfortable in our own skin REALLY is the key to feeling beautiful !!!!

  9. nadia gheorghe says:

    dar ce decolteu ametitooooot :)) foarte frumoasa tinuta, imi plac mult pantalonii si vesta

  10. anna says:

    if red is not in the outfit, on the lips is always perfect!

  11. High Heels says:

    love the new layout, absolutely LOVE IT!

  12. alexandra ada says:

    pantalonii si vesta sunt foarte frumoase, dar cizemele…acele cizme 😀

  13. Stoica Mihaela says:

    eu sunt cu mustar toamna asta 🙂 n-am avut curaj sa port pana acum, dar mi se pare o culoare foarte frumoasa

  14. diane says:

    a few years ago my closet was all black. now it’s a rainbow 🙂

  15. laura says:

    bluza e minunata!

    colectia de toamna de la pnk e printre preferatele mele

  16. DariaLove says:

    sexy sexy

  17. florenta says:

    asa cum ai scris pe facebook, eu ma minunez de noul layout :)) imi place foarte mult, bravo! felicitari! abia astept celelalte suprize

  18. Amelie says:

    lovely new home for your photos and thoughts <3

  19. Catalina Popa says:

    vai, mi-as dori sa pot purta pantaloni scurti cu cizme, din pacate picioarele nu ma ajuta. in cazul tau rezultatul e wow

  20. adelina i. says:

    prietena mea mi-a dat o poza de-a ta pentru inspiratie si de cateva ore navighez pe blogul tau

    e superb si ma bucur ca l-am descoperit

  21. Yvette says:

    burgundy e culoarea mea de toamna si cred ca mi se potriveste perfect

  22. Gabriella says:

    lovely Milano!

  23. nadine says:

    love the new blog!

  24. paullla says:

    the blouse is incredibly sexy and i love the color

  25. anamariastanciu says:

    e foarte important sa ai un deodorant care nu-ti pateaza hainele, mai ales unele atat de pretioase

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