3 Essential Things Every Fashion Girl Must Do In Her 30`s

LooksLiving Art
18 April 2015 / By / 41 Comments

Ana Morodan

Ana Morodan

Ana Morodan

Ana Morodan

Ana Morodan

Ana Morodan

Ana Morodan



1. Start being a perfect Stepford Wife.


I`m kidding, duhh. Although this Stepford Wife thing, done with poise and from time to time can prove to be very sexy. And I don`t mean Sexy like vacuum cleaning in a sexy lingerie. I mean cooking, doing the groceries, making your home look cozy and organized, baking a pie, inviting your lady friends for a tea talk. Yeah, these kind of stuff are sexy. Men said so. I`ve asked, I`ve tested, I`ve tried – it works.



Ana MorodanI am wearing an Ela Siromascenko dress and Smiling Shoes heels

Photos by Alexandru Rosieanu



But that`s not the subject I have hidden in my sleeve today. Nope. Today is all about


3 Essential Things Every Fashion Girl Must Do In Her 30`s



  • Adopt a signature pieceWhether it’s an accessory, a scent or a staple wardrobe piece—find your own chic trademark and stick to it. 


  • Design your own custom luxe piece.  Whether it’s a personalized pair of  shoes, a customized clutch or a dress, being part of the design process is a dream come true. 


Like I did with the dress I`m wearing today. Ela Siromacenko is a designer based in Milan who basically transforms your dreams into reality. I`ve always been fond of custom made outfits. They allow me to bring my fashion fantasies to life. Basically that`s what Ela Siromacenko does. She makes your desires come true.

That`s what she does when she`s not busy making her own fashion fairy tales come true. Here are her collections.

I picked a dress and I had it custom made on my size. And yes, she ships all over the world.



  • Live glamorously day by day. No matter which your activities may be. Yes, I was an apparition the day I went to the market.  I felt like a star. And it was all because of the dress. THAT Perfect dress which makes you feel that the world is yours.

Thank you Ela Siromacenko for designing it. heart ana









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  1. You look perfect and the dress is awsome! I’ll definetly check her web page.

  2. Ana-Maria says:

    Perfect dress!

  3. High Heels says:

    This dress is soooo you ❤️

  4. Edna says:

    Cooking always works. Even of it’s a sandwich 😉

  5. Ivona says:

    Piesa mea e fusta creion, o ador si o port in toate nuantele si texturile, chiar si cu tenisi 🙂

  6. adina ionescu says:

    rochia e absolut superba, imi plac la nebunie aceste piese ultra feminine

  7. Maria Anton says:

    Ana draga, multumesc pentru ca mi-ai prezentat-o pe Ela si creatiile ei minunate! Mi-ai facut ziua mai frumoasa cu aceasta rochie superba 🙂 arati minunat

  8. Matilda says:

    I admire women who can dress up but don’t look dressed up even when they go to the market

  9. sara dinu says:

    minunata esti in rolul de Stepford wife 🙂 30 este cea mai frumoasa varsta a femeii, si asta incepe sa se vada si la tine 🙂

  10. Lorry says:

    Live glamorously and beautifuly I may add

  11. anka says:

    you are such an inspiration ❤️

  12. Catalina Stroe says:

    Am inceput sa astept cu nerabdare varsta de 30, sunt curioasa ce-mi rezerva aceasta noua etapa din viata mea. Toate femeile pe care le cunosc au inflorit pur si simplu la 30

  13. Xenia says:

    Te admir pentru cum reusesti de fiecare data sa fii altcineva. Mi-ar placea sa am aceasta abilitate de a ma transforma doar prin vestimentatie

  14. laura_love says:

    i always love a flower dress and yellow are my favorite

  15. olimpia says:

    Absolut superba

  16. Edna says:

    I’m sure they talked about you at the market for a week :)))

  17. Margot says:

    great dress, it looks perfect on you

  18. Alina Rosu says:

    Rochia e spectaculoasa in cel mai frumos mod cu putinta. Iar creatiile Elei mi-au mers la suflet

  19. natalia says:

    I love this shooting

  20. georgia says:

    Arati minunat in aceasta rochie si chiar mi-ai dat un impuls de a purta o piesa unica, facuta pentru mine

  21. valeria says:

    Thank you for the advice, I’ll be 30 in a few months and it scares my like hell :)))

  22. Oana Truta says:

    Cred ca nu m-am simtit mai bine de cand am facut 20 de ani 🙂 I love being 30 si sunt inca fascinata de cat de repede am avut un sentiment de implinire

  23. BUTARU VICA says:

    Extraordinar…Imi place 🙂

  24. Madalina M says:

    Incredible dress, Ana, you look like a spring day.

  25. irina says:

    eu am o pasiune pentru bijuterii de cand am facut 30 🙂

  26. ilinca stefan says:

    rochia ta e perfecta pentru o zi de primavara

  27. Lisa says:

    Ela’s designs are so chic and feminine, I love the tops a lots

    Thanks for sharing

  28. andreea ioana says:

    30 a fost varsta mea preferata 🙂

  29. Lili says:

    You are just glowing ❤️

  30. Ruxandra says:

    Modern Cinderella with amazing shoes 😉

  31. Ana says:

    cred ca ai dreptate si-ti multumesc pentru sfaturile pozitive, eu sunt all depressed de cand am facut 30. but no more! 😉

  32. sorina ene says:

    Chiar cred ca ai fost o super aparitie in piata :)))

  33. Clara says:

    Foarte frumoasa rochia si cred ca o creatie semnata Ela Siromacenko va fi cadoul meu pentru mine cand implinesc 30

  34. vivi says:

    custom bags, I love them 🙂

  35. Iulia Riso says:

    Minunate fotografiile 🙂 30 chiar e o varsta la care femeile infloresc

  36. Roberta says:

    Congratulation, you are so gorgeous with this dress (love Ela’s creations too <3)

  37. Dana Dumitru says:

    Superba rochia 🙂 Vad ca e pe val Ela Siromascenko. Am mai citit azi un articol despre ea.

  38. Teodora says:

    that is a lovely dress! you had me at the yellow roses <3

  39. Roxana C. says:

    Esti superba, urmez sfaturile tale si mi-am pus ideile in aplicare si am facut cateva modele de pantofi.

  40. newt says:

    Esti superba si ai stil cu siguranta aparte. Rochita e super feminina si chiar si pe stilul meu, plus ca locatia pe care ai ales-o mi se pare super funny si in acelasi timp parca nici nu imi vine sa cred cat de faine au iesit pozele 🙂 Spor in continuare! Ai un blog minunat! Zi faina 🙂

  41. Bry Jaimea says:

    I love the styling of this shoot, and the general aesthetic of it – gorgeous and fun! And I agree – by the time you’re in your 300’s having you signature style and rocking it whenever an wheever you can is essential!

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